Vachanāmrut Gadhadā I – 39: […] The Nirvikalp or Savikalp State (Yamsox Live Reading May 25th, 2024)

9 months ago

Exploring The Vachanamrut: A Deep Dive into Gadhada 1.39 on Dualism and Non-Dualism

Join us on a spiritual journey as we delve into the teachings of the Vachanamrut, a collection of discourses delivered by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. In this video, we explore passage GADHADA 1.39, revealing meaningful dialogues between Shriji Maharaj and a Vedanti Brahmin. The passage examines complex philosophical concepts such as non-dualism (Advaita Vedanta) and dualism, alongside an exploration of enlightened states like Nirvikalpa and Savikalpa. Gain insight into the interpretation of Brahman and the consistency of scriptures viewed through dualistic and non-dualistic lenses. The video culminates with the Vedanti Brahmin's acceptance of Shriji Maharaj’s explanations and personal reflections on the nature of duality and non-duality.

00:00:00 Introduction to the Vachanamrut Reading
00:01:45 Commencement of Gadhada 1.39 Reading
00:03:21 Shriji Maharaj's Dialogue with a Vedanti Brahmin
00:05:40 Discussion on Non-Dualism and Dualism
00:08:07 Shriji Maharaj’s Explanation of Enlightened States
00:09:40 Non-Dual Perspective Versus Dual Perspective
00:11:17 Interpretation of Brahman and Scripture Consistency
00:13:10 Closing Arguments and Acceptance
00:15:39 Reflections on Duality and Non-Duality

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