Rant of Disappointment

9 months ago

A Rant of Disappointment.

Source: https://odysee.com/@SpiersMedia:2/DISAPPOINTMENT:9a

Channel Comment: Booting & excluding good genuine people from joining in doesn't help ANYTHING. ALL of the 'Groups' do it if you call out their GROUPie Exclusive BS. Could have just returned to knowing provable objective truth which ALL the reasonable people would agree upon, & being United in our Commonwealth!??. It is incredibly Childish, disgusting even, all the SECRET Group and Ego Cr@p. Nano-Lobotomised "MGTOW" ten deep at the retard dump. There IS NO Online Place for ALL/ANY true Australians to JUST GO TO, connect openly find neighbours, & there-in lies a major part of the problem. Good People are being Sucked In by the Thousands & grifted by online Delusion Groupies, & even the N.O. people didn't actually want to do anything to try correct that?!?. One could see this pretty obviously in 2022 & suggested solutions, but I guess because too many 'higher ups' were fking Retarded & Selfish spiteful 'gina's with a head size to match the Ego size . . . I was troubled when I got ejected from N.O. in 2022, for simply coming up with & pointing out solutions, pretty obvious ones too. How many other logical Ideas got Booted!??
Heads out of Arses. If ANYONE wants to ACTUALLY HELP now, get the word out, feel free to join in & finally Do that! FmL!!
Congregate; connect, record, share. Living world communities of men & women. 'Commonwealth Township Australia' on Discord (Needs good curators - self building defacto 'white-pages' of townships - Imperial Crown subjects)

Flags and Authority: bitchute.com/video/QEWV2a9Egoc3/
Nano-Tech WBAN Mavern/Lavender: bitchute.com/video/wP5gSDBTaxc7/
S.C. Ruling: www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/17ae62c4f87505817ce30e5a
Constitution: odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/TheAnnotatedConstitution-1900imp-RedCover:0
ANZAC Common Law eg: https://constitutionwatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Romani-v-State-of-New-South-Wales-NSW-Caselaw.pdf
Hague IV 'treaty': https://info.dfat.gov.au/Info/Treaties/Treaties.nsf/AllDocIDs/87956593F7B0A195CA256C950018C10E
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11: www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269
Bill Of Rights: odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/billrights:7
Declaration (UN) re. Teaching History: https://austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1939/3.html

Australian Imperial Crown on YT: youtube.com/@locustsandhoney486
Australian Imperial Crown on Odysee: odysee.com/@SpiersMedia:2
White Papers (vid/audio reading): youtube.com/@auseducation376
Australian Imperial Crown: australianimperialcrown.com/

Patriot Stickers www.morleysignworks.com.au/commonwealth-collection
Aus Patriot Shirts shop.spiersmedia.com/
Australian Federal Red Ensign: https://customflagsaustralia.com.au/product-category/1901-federal-land-flag/

TheBallIsWild on GAB: gab.com/TheBallIsWild

One Crown, One Flag, One People, One Destiny.
Lest We Forget <3

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