Roar of the Ganges by Swami Tadatmananda: Part 62 (Yamsox Live Reading May 15th, 2024)

8 months ago

Swami Tadatmananda's Journey: From West to Hindu Monk - A Reading from 'Roar of the Ganges'

Join us in this spiritually enlightening livestream as we read excerpts from 'Roar of the Ganges' by Swami Tadatmananda Saraswati. This autobiographical journey reveals the transformation of a westerner into a Hindu monk, capturing profound teachings from Swami Dayananda on God, absolute truth, and the nature of existence. Follow the metaphorical tale of the wave fearing death to discover the essence of immortal existence and inner peace. This session includes thoughtful dialogues, heartfelt conclusions, and engaging audience interactions, making it a must-watch for seekers of spiritual wisdom.

000:00:00 Introduction to 'Roar the Ganges' by Swami Tadatmananda
000:02:27 Swami Dayananda's Teachings on God and Absolute Truth
000:04:21 The Wave's Fear of Approaching Death
000:06:08 Conversations with Other Waves and Seeking Hope
000:07:50 Encounter with the Wise Wave and the Essence of Water
000:09:59 Understanding the True Self as Water
000:12:24 Realization of Immortal Essence
000:14:02 The Great Ocean Within
000:16:12 Final Transformation and Surrender
000:18:30 Concluding Remarks and Audience Interaction

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