Why the Universe and humans beings exist...

3 months ago

Solar systems are where the Almighty [our Creator] tested out planets that would be suitable for human life form, solely to have humans that He could engage in intelligent conversations with [internally/spiritually], and for humans to learn with/from Him, to be capable earning Ranks in the glorious Heavens, based upon relationship/service to Him during time on Earth.
Adam and Enoch lived for hundreds or years without any Religion or Book; they had a direct relationship with the Most High...

it was only by His extended Mercy/Grace that He allowed all the pointless religious razzle-dazzle to make its way down history because so few people had access to the truths.

-Father Yah provided His Spokesmen{Prophets} with His Wisdom, Truths, and ways, to share with other humans to learn of (NOT for believers to praise/regard as His 'Word', which breaks Commandment 2). Son of Heavenly Father provided Father's Wisdom and Truths throughout his ministries; the Bible is an interesting [impartial] history Book.

-"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me" -Son of Heavenly Father fasted 40 days/nights, living by Emunah{Faith} in Father Yah, to have the Spirit of Yah dwell/operate through the human body, which performed the miracles and spoke through His only begotten Son, in 1st person perspective.
In this final stage, humans are to become reborn/anointed of His Spirit and reign with the Anointing{Christ} for the remainder of Satan's 1000-year sentence in the Pit, which occurred [undercover/in secret] in May 2003, by the spoken words of one single person who was living free of sin.

The restored Truths of the Almighty Creator is in my username (any human may earn Merits[credit] by sharing the link in my username on whichever outlet you choose)...
-- www.etimin.org
--(important start/useful prayers) www.eti-ministries.org/why-believe
--(article explaining who goes to Hell and why) www.eti-ministries.org/hell
--(article explaining how Earth became an experiment of humans' freedom of choice) www.eti-ministries.org/the-contest
--(valid prayers to seek a DEEP personal relationship with Him) www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/important-prayers
--(addition valid prayers aligned with His will) www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/most-important-prayers
--(triple immersion) www.eti-ministries.org/immersion-baptism-in-the-set-apart-holy-spirit-of-yah
--(powerful spiritual cleansing rituals to become Anointed of Yah) www.eti-ministries.org/essence-cleansing-and-deliverance
--(Rehearsing the Bread and Wine Covenant Meal, for any human being) www.eti-ministries.org/covenant-of-yahooshua-jesus-forgiveness-and-much-more

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