Wig Watch: Amanda Rippon

4 months ago

#Newcastle #England Judge #AmandaRippon sentenced a #Kuwait rapist to only 180 hours of unpaid work for his rape of a 12-year-old British girl for a year. #HamoudAlSoaimi joined #Syrian brothers #Omar and #MohamedBadreddin and #HuzaefaAleboud in raping a vulnerable girl after knocking her unconscious with alcohol and cigarettes in #newcastleontyne . Now 19, the girl told the court she struggled with drug abuse after the repeat attacks.


BBC, "Newcastle grooming gang jailed for raping 13-year-old girl", https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-68446855

#britain #uk #labour #nigelfarage #wigwatch #todaysterriblejudge #viralshorts #shortsviral #viralshort #koran #qaran #syria #kuwaitcity #kuwaitnews #kuwaittourism #london #todaysheadlines

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