PanaceaDiet Doctors Part 2

7 months ago

Doctors Part 2 – (Our videos are on RoeLeer Nutritional ketosis versus ketoacidosis. Glucose, insulin relationship. Gout can be exacerbated sometimes. Might be best to stay above 50-60 (maybe even above 140) grams of carbs per day. Fruity breath from ketones can occur. High quality carbs when do eat them. No sugar/paste! Cholesterol is needed. HSL (Hormone-Sensitive Lipase). Triglycerides divided by HDL for men TAG:HDL. HDL a low-carb compliance marker. ROS reactive oxygen species, aka free radicals, oxidized. Gary Taubes’ books, On-Menu and Xs, The One Thing (Keller), Volek-Phinney (not Feinman), Low-Carb Performance, Atkins, Bowden-Sinatra The Great Cholesterol Myth, statins. Let’s all work as a team – doctors, scientists, researchers, and we “cheerleaders” for a low-carb lifestyle. ATOZ study by Stanford. Thank you!

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