Metatron's Sarl Message Energy Vlog

7 months ago

Metatron's Sarl Message Energy Vlog title is from the Metatron selfmastery oracle cards we pulled today, the star is form the Date June 3, 2024 thus 17 The Star card with hope, clarity of vision and vulnerability.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure news site showed us three amplitudes, the first a power of 20 at 12:00 PM UTC thus we have the Hanged Man giving us a changed perspective on Judgement day at the end of the Aeon. The Second Amplitude power of 45 at 1:00 PM UTC thus the Magus consults the Hermit regarding a spell he is working upon for the Emperor. The third amplitude power of 25 at 3:15 PM UTC thus we have the Hermit taking a chariot to swiftly inform the Emperor of a magical allie. The Quality has a power of 23 the Hierophant card which is a spiritual messenger or a crooked pope. The Frequency average is 7.63 Hertz thus #16 The Tower card a failure of structure such as the current collapse of our Justice system. Despite the positive outlook that we can now prosecute Obama, Biden, Clinton and Bush jr, now.
Therefore, we can say: With the Guiding Star of hope and clarity the Hermit with his inner wisdom give Insight to the Hierophant for his spiritual message about the Tower's failure foreseen by The Akashic REcords That Metatron's self mastery Oracle card brought us.
There were two other cards the Red with Safety Strength and power. The last card was the Go With The Flow, paddle on downstream till you find a good place to go ashore.
There are two videos today the first was Michael Salla's Week in review on exopolitics. And XRPQFSTeam video on Trump's bogus conviction and massive miscarriage of justice.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weaqther News lsite:
Michael Salla's week in review video:
XRPQFS team rumble video on Trump's verdict:

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