Hamas floods the streets of France seizing control of another city.

3 months ago

France Conquered... Hamas floods the streets of France to show their power and let Gazans know they have seized control of another city. The city of Lyon is already one-third Islamic.

What does this mean for non-Muslims!? Well, there are constant stabbings, rapes, shootings, churches destroyed, priests attacked, mortar fire, cars burned, and fires set throughout Lyon to remind the French they have been conquered. The metro stations are like war zones; non-muslim children are assaulted at schools, women are no longer safe in the streets, and Jews have had to flee the area.

(Does anyone else remember when René Hadjadj, an 89-year-old Jewish woman living in Lyon, was murdered in 2022 by a jihadi!? She was thrown off of her 17th-floor balcony by Rachid Kheniche, a 51-year-old Muslim Arab who only bragged online of his Jew hatred?)

Most of the large mosques in Lyon and throughout the country are controlled by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other Islamic countries. They function more like military outposts.

Back in 2018, the then-Mayor of Lyon, Gérard Collomb, warned that there was only a "little time" to improve the situation of mass (Islamic) immigration. He predicted that by 2024, it would become "irreversible". He was correct!

Let's look at some other "irreversible" cities and towns in France where the Great Replacement has taken place:

Marseille (30% Muslim)
Montpellier (20% Muslim)
Strasbourg (12% Muslim)
Bordeaux (92 Mosques)
Mulhouse (25% Muslim)
Pessac (25% Muslim)
Avignon (30% Muslim)

France has over 751 “no-go zones,” i.e., areas of land ruled by Sharia that are unrecognizable as French. Police will not step foot in these areas; the authority of the state is entirely absent, and mini-Islamic states have been formed.

As you can see from the video, these mini-Islamic states love to hold rallies and show their strength!

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