Adams joins Jones to discuss the cosmic AI threat against humanity: Depopulation, terraforming..

8 months ago

Alex Jones and Mike Adams are both misinformation spooks, but at least they are addressing major issues that mainstream media completely ignore.
Is the global #depopulation agenda targeting humanity actually being ordered by ALIEN AI? Terraforming operations against planet Earth are already under way (such as carbon sequestration) to alter the atmosphere and extinguish the web of life as we know it. Efforts are being deployed to dim the sun and reduce photosynthesis. Exotic nanotechnology is present in some of the bioweapons jabs. Food supply chains are being systematically sabotaged, such as chicken farms going up in flames. Globalists are actively pushing us into a global thermonuclear war. Humanity is being systematically exterminated, and the underlying forces behind this effort may NOT be human at all! (Or even biological.) In this mind-warping interview, I join Alex Jones and Chase to discuss depopulation, terraforming, alien AI and more:

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