A08 - Man: Made in the Image and Likeness of God (Gen 2)

9 months ago

God created man in His own image and likeness, as the crown of creation. God created man as body and soul, male and female, and He calls them to love. Man and woman are to become “one flesh” and be fruitful and multiply. By nature, man is God’s creature and servant; by grace, man is God’s beloved son, called to partake in God’s own life of love. Adam and Eve were created in a state of original holiness and justice, in perfect harmony with creation and free from suffering and death.

0:00 Trailer
0:20 Intro
0:36 Recap and overview
1:53 God builds a home for his children; man, the image of God
5:32 The second account of creation; does it contradict Genesis 1?
8:50 Man: formed of dust from the ground
12:24 Genesis and Evolution
24:26 Adam in the Garden of Eden
28:48 Not good to be alone: the creation of woman and "one flesh" union
34:56 Man's natural state; the grace of divine sonship
38:00 Man in paradise: original holiness and justice
40:56 Representative of humanity: priest, prophet, and king
45:55 Eden: The first sanctuary
47:00 Conclusion
47:39 Outro

Check out Catholics for Israel's online Bible Course, by Dr. André Villeneuve, for FREE:
Part I: GOD'S STORY, OUR STORY - An Introduction to the Story of Salvation
Part II: LIVING IN THE KINGDOM - An Introduction to the Catholic Church and Catholic Faith

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