5/22/2024 - Day of Court Date - Find out the HOA removed my water Shutoff Valves with a Bathroom Leak - Citiguard THREATS I had better move EXPOSING what they have been PAID TO DO

8 months ago

5/22/2024 - Day of Court Date - Find out the HOA removed my water Shutoff Valves with a Bathroom Leak at least to the Bathroom - Citiguard THREATS I had better move EXPOSING what they have been PAID TO DO

What is the purpose of a "World of Paranoia" Campaign starting in on a 5 year old? For 47 years? It sure as hell isn't to make someone HEALTHY!

On the day of my Court Date 5/22/203, there was a Water Pressure Spike blowing out my Bathroom Shutoff Valve.

Upon coming home, I do the research and realize not only did someone rip off the hot water Shutoff Handle. But also the HOA removed the Entire Water Shutoffs to my Townhouse complex as well as Unit 17.

Trying to FLOOD my place
What dirty little SICK DEMENTED secrets are they trying to COVER UP!

Court Reporter Debbie Wollman's Townhouse. In Van Nuys Court House Room 101. Ironically even though Debbie Wollman owns this Property, No one has ever lived in this Townhouse adjouning my wall.

You do do the math with Jason Perelman's MENTAL ILLNESS tactics in 1988. "Me and my friends have a bug in your room and we are listening to everything you are doing on the radio"

Ironically, Jay Pilchick, Father of my sister in law, Jennifer Pilchick. Who was once an HOA Lawyer, Now running against Debbie Wasserman Shultz for congress in florida a 2nd time.

Doesn't want me to have VOCAL CORDS, and be allowed to tell ANYONE worldwide about what has been done to my life with her LAWYER friends.

Jennifer Pilchicks statement, "We need to deem Kevin as the CRAZY GUY, and their is nothing LEGALLY we can do about it" so they have to do whatever it takes to try to make me look crazy to lock me away!

Because if there is nothing LEGALLY she can do about it. She will ILLEGALLY do it! Showing who they really are with their JUDICIAL FRIENDS.

One of Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS in 2001. "We are using the SYSTEM against you" the JUDICIAL system!

Originaly Jason Perelman's FRIEND. Befriending me when I was 14, and spending 15 years STALKING me! As it still goes on MINUTE by MINUTE with his "World of Paranoia" Death threats in 2001.

All there events are connected to do whatever it takes to try to make me look CRAZY to wipe me off the planet for the information in my brain


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