A04 - Divine Revelation: How Does God Speak to Us?

4 months ago

We can know God through human reason, but only in a limited way. Yet if God exists and is personal, He may well want to speak to us. But how? Through nature, private revelation, prayer, organized religion? Genuine divine revelation should agree with what we have learnt about God through reason. God has revealed himself progressively, in words and deeds, to the people of Israel, leading up to the fullness of his revelation in Jesus the Messiah. Divine revelation is God’s “map of life” for us.

0:00 Trailer
0:16 Intro
1:38 Recap and overview
4:07 God speaks to man; reason and revelation
6:48 What kind of revelation?
12:00 Which revelation?
16:20 Chosen people: The people of Israel
22:07 Fullness of God's revelation
23:00 Enduring witness: Israel and the Hebrew Scriptures
28:03 Our response: faith
33:15 The freedom of faith
38:27 The parable of the sower
41:34 Outro

Check out Catholics for Israel's online Bible Course, by Dr. André Villeneuve, for FREE:
Part I: GOD'S STORY, OUR STORY - An Introduction to the Story of Salvation
Part II: LIVING IN THE KINGDOM - An Introduction to the Catholic Church and Catholic Faith

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