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His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe - Captions
In this conversation, Julie Green discusses various prophecies that have come true, including events related to world leaders, banking, and political resignations. She also talks about the importance of having spiritual guidance in political leadership and the need for discernment in these unprecedented times. The conversation touches on the role of prophets in modern times and the significance of God's intervention in current events. They also discuss the need for President Trump to surround himself with trustworthy individuals who are aligned with God's will.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video may be watched here:
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
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Video Transcript:
Now it's time for Wednesdays with Julie Green. Julie it's crazy. My phone rings off the hook.
You know, it was funny. I was just featured in a Newsweek article last week because they are so up with the times and they're up with the news. They say this, I'm a MAGA prophet, by the way, apparently. And apparently nothing that I say comes true.
I just had a laugh.
You know, I'll, I'll, I'll tell you one of the person, I talked to a couple, three people today on stuff that, stuff that, They watch us all three do one of them Quoted. It's absolutely amazing because we've been watching you and Julie green for a long time and They said it's amazing that God gives her a word and then it happens
You will say what's the Julius words?
No, they're not They're God's words and he just gives them to me and I have so many prophecies are fulfilled I have like 30 some pages of information that I can give to you right now You of prophecies are being fulfilled, but are things that are so massive that we have talked about. One of them is Macron, Macron, Macron, however you want to pronounce his name.
So he's in big trouble, which guy's been talking about that. He's been talking about France in big trouble. He's been talking about things going on in Canada. He's been talking about that Trudeau is in trouble and these things are happening. And also we saw him talk about resignations. People were even removed in March, 180 CEOs stepped down.
And then 248, I, I, I read actual small print. It was 248 in February and 180 in March for the biggest quarter they've ever have happened of people resigning like that. God has been talking about players being removed and it's all happening. So I'm just saying it's, and there was an explosion in a bank.
In Youngstown. You know it's ironic that, did you see the video of the explosion? I mean, it went completely across the street. Not a single mainstream media is talking about that.
And God's been talking about Chase Bank and the banking industry. And he even said with wildfires and things being on fire or explosions, He talked about how these things were going to happen to hide, that they would hide, be hiding certain things.
There's a reason why you're going to see fires and destruction like that.
J. P. Morgan Chase is behind the silver squeeze too, the shorting on silver, the paper silver. They are one of the largest, if not the largest, public holder of silver. And that house of cards is about to break I'm told any day Silver's up again today over 32.
It's been over 32 for the next couple of days, but when the short squeeze happens, it's going to expose the banks. The banks are going to crash and they're not going to be able to stop silver and gold from going up. So hang on to that. The source said this week, he believes that this is going to happen.
And people need to hold on to your hats because once a ruling for president Trump, any of these. Go in the other direction that the enemies are expecting, which I have a feeling this other one is going to, the one in New York. This is their last ditch effort for anything before the election. And when they realize that none of the court cases will do what they need them to do before the election, something else will happen.
And we just pray. Because they have,
they can't stop him with court. They have to stop him in other ways.
Well, I had America's Mayor on this morning and I asked him that question, what he, what he thought. And I said, well, what happens if he's convicted? And he said what I thought too, that he's, his popularity will even go up higher.
America is not going to put up with this. It's going to backfire either way, whatever they do is going to backfire. It's going to backfire in a massive way. Massive way. So you, you, you text me the other day. At a perfect time because I was driving at that particular time and I just had just was meditating on the Lord and thinking and I felt what you text me about that there's it's the atmosphere something significant I mean huge is about to happen it's imminent I've never felt this strong about it ever I just got to feel the Holy Spirit when I said that
yeah I was in prayer and all of a sudden I was like I have to text You know Pastor Dave..
I have something that's going on. I don't know exactly what it is And there was even something that happened this morning that Somebody on my team had had a dream and they didn't know what we had talked about at in Texas about certain things that need to be not detonated or need to not go off and How they had this dream and they knew exactly where these things were And so we were starting to pray that these things would not be able to go off, that they would not be able to be detonated, that they would not be able to do what they were going to do.
But he was very specific on where these things were, even down to the person that has them. It was pretty profound. And I was just like, well, we got to pray about that right now because you guys don't know certain things that we had talked about at the summit. And I said, this is one of the things that I can't say a whole lot.
This is one of the things that they had talked about. That we had to pray immediately right now. And so we were praying to because we're in a war I mean God has talk about this several different times. We're in a war and so God is giving his people insight He's giving them dreams. He's giving them visions He's giving them people prophetic words in order for us to stop the attacks because you can't stop his attacks a natural way Not the way we used to always do things and that's why i've told when I talked to a certain general that things You That the generals naturally need to come together with the generals spiritually.
Because there's generals in the spirit. And God's generals. And they need to come together. Because they, not everybody can do things on their own way. The things that used to go in that direction and how things used to work. God is putting the super and the natural together. To become supernatural. So, there are a lot of things that are, that are going to come out.
That they need discernment. God From God in order how to react in that, you know, military way. Because it's, it's God's way and it's not just, you know, it's not just. old way of doing things. It has to be both. It has to be with God now.
That's why our next summit in Texas is going to be huge. Multiple of the generals will be at this next summit because they need to, it needs to all come together.
And I think it was good how it went down this time because it gave you an opportunity to see the real, God's telling you, but also what is real. And that's like only one hundredth of the intel I get. Some of this other stuff is just mind blowing.
And that was already a mind blowing thing. I'm still trying to like, you know, go through all of the things that I heard and, you know, kind of pray about certain things.
But one of the things I love and I want to tell people is be encouraged because anything that falls, no matter what it is, structurally What it is with our, you know, our country, our government, the way things are done God always has something that will replace it. And that's all I can say is, and I saw proof of a lot of that replacement that God has already talked about.
So it was amazing to, to hear that because it's so encouraging to me because I mean, I encourage people every day, but some of the things that you hear prophetically. I mean, I've obviously I've been in Newsweek and Rolling Stone and all those places that you know, I'm some crazy wackadoo Well, then if I'm some crazy wackadoo, then why are you writing articles about me?
Why are you even bothering like? You wouldn't waste your time and you wouldn't have taken me off of social media As much as you have if I was some crazy person, I didn't know I was talking about So it's it's amazing what God is doing and how God is exposing them and how petrified they are You About the truth.
They don't want the truth to come out. But the truth, no matter what, God said something, I have to, I have to give this to you. It was a prophecy that he gave last week. I'll, I'll pull it out here in a minute. But even if people are dead and their secrets are supposedly buried with them, they're not. So he, it's interesting what he's doing.
But and then also, Delora talked about Klaus Schwab, And things aren't how they appear to be with that situation. And then there was something else that somebody said a general. And they wouldn't be surprised if he was dead. And when he said that, I started laughing because God has already talked about how people were going to be removed forcefully and not because they want to.
And I didn't know that he had, that somebody could come out and say he was sick.
and a few days later. He was resigned and I had no idea I just laughed and laughed and laughed because I'm like, yeah. Yeah, they're not sick
There's people that are alive or a lot They say that are alive that are actually dead and there are many that are dead that are actually alive It's hard to keep up.
Yeah, there's a lot going on with the Royals in England. I'm telling you It's especially I just heard somebody came out last was it last week or something a couple days ago That kate wasn't going to be seen princess kate What's not gonna be seen for for the rest of the year
for the rest of the year?
What and then of course prince charles he gave away I think some of his military power and he gave it to william Because that was a big huge thing between william and and and henry I guess or harry I guess I don't know exactly what that was all about. I didn't read the article. I just saw the headline but it's very interesting because You You see the, you know, President Iran be killed along with a lot of other people we talked about last week.
You see Clara Schwab stepping down. You see what's going on with Macron over in France. You see what's going on with our own government, how things are unconventional, unprecedented. God's been talking about that for a long time. You, God's been talking about how, that they were going to replace the Biden.
Now all of a sudden they're talking about replacing the Biden. And now it's like over 50 some percent of Democrats want him replaced. Yep. This is, again, unprecedented and unconventional. It's all unprecedented and unconventional, where you have a sitting, I'm going to say resident, because I'm not going to say president, a sitting resident who is going after a opponent and putting all the forms of justice, or, you know, our justice system at him.
And even what he did with the FBI, what God said he was going to expose the FBI and what Merrick Garland exposing Merrick Garland for saying that he they need, they need to use lethal weapon against, I can't, I can't even fathom. And then they're trying to say that this was normal procedure.
This was so far, you don't, first of all, he is a, well, he's a sitting president, but he's a, supposedly a former president. You cannot go after him the way you're going after him. That's not, there's nothing normal about that. And you don't raid a home. I would love to see raids on like Hillary Clinton and or Obama and people like that who deserve it.
So, but again, Haman's reward.
And speaking of that, you're going to see raids like that. They're going to be unconventional, never done before. And it's going to expose the bad guys. I had a conversation with somebody not too long ago that's behind us. And he's literally going to do it. He's not kidding.
When president Trump comes back, they're going to flip the script and those things are going to happen.
I have a prophecy on that. He gave me this morning. I still have it in my notebook. So basically about flipping the script. But one of the things he also said in this prophecy. Is I I have to read some of my writing here, but he said the handwriting is already on the wall and he said it was written in blood You are defeated and then he goes on and talks about it and he said the nations are mine.
Let my nations go And so the handwriting's on the wall. They lose. That's it and He's been giving a lot of encouragement to the body of Christ about how he's in control and it's not the enemies and how God will intervene and how God does defeat the enemies of Almighty God. He does. He will always defeat them.
He cuts them off. He scatters them and makes them come to nothing. There are so many different scriptures I read yesterday and I read today about the destruction of God's enemies. Even though people are asking, will God do something? It's not will. He will. It's when. It's inevitable.
He's infiltrated the
The people that I talked to, I was probably in the last, probably since Texas. There's been a a significant change in their demeanor and their attitude. It's now more positive that, that, that winning is, is going to happen. Winning is coming. And every one of them have a strong belief in, in their faith in God.
And they said it got stronger during this period of time, but something significant happened around. When we were in Texas, Pentecost. Yeah. The fire came down. I saw a dramatic change in people's demeanor. You can see they, they act different. They're no more like when you're kind of wishy washy, like I hope it works out.
It's no, it's going to happen.
I'm telling you it's God because they realize they're not doing this. They're not fighting this on their own. And no matter how, And I know Generals watch, and no matter how impossible this, this mission is, you have somebody on your side that there's nothing impossible for him, and he shows up in the impossible situations.
And so, God outsmarts our enemies every time. So that's why they need a discernment, and they need the direction of Almighty God, because he's our real Commander in Chief. And we do need to pray for President Trump. That he has a discernment and that he will listen to God because this is a time where he can't do these things on his own that he has to have just, you know, instructions by God on how to handle these things because this is not a, you know, normal presidency.
This is not a normal election. This is not a normal things that are going in this country right now. You have to have somebody that's on fire for God. You have to have somebody that is listening and being obedient to Almighty God because he's already anointed and appointed. The missing link. Is letting go and letting God.
Yeah, that's exactly what Barry, Barry Wunsch got a prophetic word. It, it was so shaking for him that he texted me while I was coming back from Texas. And he, he, he announced it today, live on his glory. So, and that, it was just exactly what you said. There is a fox in the hen house in President Trump's team.
Family. He exposed who that was, and one of the things that the Lord told Barry was President Trump needs to make sure he's giving it all to God and making sure that around him, he has people that can be trusted with God.
That's exactly what he's told me before. In the last probably year or so is one of the things that he has to be very careful on his it's it's his inner circle
because there's people and again, like you said it was a family member
Yeah, I
know exactly here you're talking about because we've actually been praying for that to be exposed Because that family member I know it would it's it's hurtful to him that it is somebody so close to him and obviously You know a member of his family by marriage, but it's something that he needs You The boldness of, cause he's got boldness.
I mean, we all say that he's got boldness. Okay. He just needs to have a boldness in the anointing that God can and will fix these things. And he's not responsible to fix these things or to figure them out. God is the one who's going to do it. And that's why it's so important. And I know that, that the Trumps have had a lot of people in the Christian community that have not been good representations of the Christian community.
And I know they've been hurt by a lot of people.
So I know that they've been protecting themselves, which they had every right to do because they've been hurt by people betrayed them and use them. But God is putting people in positions in order to help. And again, if you have a president and you have leaders of governments, you also have leaders in the spiritual that need to be with the leaders naturally.
so God is bringing that back again. I know we talked about that a little bit, cause that also happened at the summit.
Where Guy was talking about that, because he's bringing that back because that's when a nation is blessed. That's when the nation has you know, the coverage of almighty God and full protection of almighty God is when you are having him run the show and not a man or a government.
That's what he, he's, he said several times now to me that the ranch in Texas where we had the summit would be the new camp David for the nation's. Not just America, the nations.
And we've already, we've had Canadian generals there. We've had I'm not going to say another country's general there and American generals there.
So God is putting this together. You could feel that when we were together in that first summit that God is going back to the way he wanted. The, the, the politicians, the military, the prophets all coming together and love of the Lord and being unified.
And that's the reason why Satan is doing so strong at trying to fight the prophets, trying to fight all these things, because, you know, it's the separation of church and state and people keep throwing it in your face and prophets aren't for today.
And God doesn't speak to people like that anymore and blah, blah, blah. Well, I don't know. God never said he stopped and God's the same yesterday, today, and forever. So if God always had prophets near world leaders, why would he not have that now? And God always had prophets that were always warning in times of trouble.
That way God's people would not be led in the wrong direction. God's always done that. So, for them to say that that's not true, I don't know where, it's not biblical, because I can read several, you know, biblical things, and I have so many people say, well, God doesn't have prophets, and if he did, he sure wouldn't use a woman.
Well, I beg to differ, because it says in Joel chapter 2, in Acts chapter 2, he talks about that his daughter shall prophesy.
So your young daughters, and they would say, so he talks about prophesying men and so sons and daughters, and they talked about them would have visions and dreams. So God also is going to use, he, God's not sexist.
Well, if people want to believe that or not, I don't care, but I know God's not sexist. God chooses, you know, people who are willing.
That's it. Look at Debra and a lot of, a lot of women going back to what you mentioned though, Joel 2, cause I hear this a lot. What the key the key phrase in Joel 2 is that when the Bible says the day of the Lord, that's expositional constancy, it's always consistent throughout the Bible.
That is a term for the end days. So that in itself right there should throw this, you know, the, the, God doesn't talk to the prophets that was out with the apostle Paul. No, no, no, no, no. Day of the Lord means. It's broken down in three categories, the eminent return of Christ, which we're in the eminent return of Christ.
I don't know if it's tonight, tomorrow, 10 years from now, but we're in those. And then you have the tribulation period. Then you have the second coming of Christ.
Yeah. Cause he said right here, he talked about in the last days, well, we're in the last days. This is Acts chapter two, verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days.
God declares. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, mankind, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, telling forth the divine counsels, and your young men shall see visions and divinely granted appearances, and your young, and your old men shall dream dreams, devouring suggested dreams. Then he talks about, and he says it again.
Yes, men, servants, and my maidservants, in those days I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy, telling forth divine counsels and predicting future events, pertaining especially to God's kingdom. Amen. God says this, you know what, and I know Acts was going what on Joel said, the reason why God put it in the New Testament because it's not just an Old Testament thing.
And he also says specifically in the last days, we're in the last days and he's pouring out his spirit and that's why he's talking about his glory. And God's glory is going to fill this earth like the days of no one, like a flood. So when people say, that's why I'm like, okay, first of all, It says that in Acts and Joel, and it also talks about in Amos chapter 3, that he doesn't do anything without first revealing it to his servants the prophets.
Exactly. He sent Jonah, like he did in Nineveh, before they were destroyed. I know that God has sent prophets, not only to this nation, but to other nations around the world, to, to warn them of what's happening, and to not get in their fear, and to turn from their wicked ways and turn back to God, so they can repent.
So God can restore what has been stolen and that is what we're seeing now.
And they take one verse of the Bible and take it completely, they don't even read it correctly. They say when the perfect one comes the gifts will cease. Well, the perfect one comes means the second coming of Christ. When he's here on earth, we don't need to prophesize.
We don't need to speak in tongues. We're with him. They completely take that out of context, one verse, throw it against the wall, and try to make doctrine out of it.
That's what God says. I'm going to show the world, not a version of me, but I'm going to show the world who I really am. So just like what I was given this morning, when Moses, you know, he was God's mouthpiece at the time, and God didn't tell Moses everything that was going to happen before it happened, because they wouldn't believe it.
You know, it's like God's not gonna tell us everything that's going to happen before it happens because a lot of people wouldn't believe it. So he's had to tell us in part in these puzzle pieces and now it's all starting to come to pass. Like two years ago when he started prophesying that they were going to start letting the biting go and they were going to replace him in Kamala and you're going to start seeing that because they're going to start turning on him and they're going to allow certain things to be told.
Well, we're now saying they're allowing certain things to be told and I know they're putting them out there.
to embarrass him. Like this other day, he specifically said out of his mouth that he was vice president during COVID. Yeah.
Did you hear what else he said though? Sometimes the truth comes out.
He said, he said the, the, the, the real white house is in Florida. You said that two days ago.
He said the real White House is in Florida.
You know, do you remember what God said? And he's, I've said on here many times that their tongues would be their worst enemy. When they met to lie, they will actually speak the truth.
And he said that the Biden was going to start speaking things that he didn't mean to speak or something along those lines. So yeah. Is that surprising? Interesting. And there was another person. I only saw a thumbnail of it. Of course, I didn't watch it, but I saw a thumbnail where it said there was somebody from CNN and even said that Trump's innocent in this New York, the city case.
A CNN person. And that was part of a prophecy that I had just given out like a day or two before that.
It's all, it's, it's, it's all come either way. Whatever happens today with, with president Trump, he's, he's going to win either way. It's I saw a 21 point swing in a month. A month and a half, polls, 21 point swing all the experts now say that President Trump, if the election were held today, would win overwhelmingly and the, the Republicans would get the Senate and Congress.
But they're trying to do everything to stop that. That's like right now you're seeing people in the Republican party step down in Congress right now. Because I think there's only a slim majority of like what, one or two left now. Yeah, they're doing that on purpose, and I wouldn't be surprised if they try to blackmail somebody else to step down so they can change the majority before the election.
Well, one of the things that Alex Jones said, whether you like Alex Jones or not, he's been out front on a lot of truth. He he said that if they convict President Trump that what's his name, Paul, is going to Paul Ryan. is going to stand up to the Republican party and say, no, we can't come.
We cannot bring in a convicted person. We are going to have to bring in Mike Pence or we're gonna have to bring in somebody else. So it's already in play.
You know, it's funny because God always says their plans don't go as planned. That's might be their plan. It's just not going to work. Because this is the thing, and this is why I tell people all the time, God is the judge over all the earth.
And just like when you saw what happened with Arthur Pastor Arthur, Arthur, Arthur Pawlowski in Canada. They tried to throw him back in prison and it looked like he was, it was inevitable he was going to go back. God said he wasn't going to go back and he didn't and it was a miracle that God took in charge over that court case.
It is a miracle. And I go back to a great, great man of God. When he came back, he had opportunities to stay here in the United States to be protected and given money. He could have just said, I'm not fighting anymore and taking money and stay in the United States. He said, no, I can't. I would be a liar.
I got to go back and fight. If that means prison, it means prison. How many people would do that? You know, the remnant would, but that's why we need more in the remnant because when we, the people stand up in the name of Christ like that, they can't win.
That's right. They can't. And so no matter what they try to do with this court case, I start laughing.
I just start laughing because I know that God is the one who is going to throw down that gavel. It's not going to be to the, I don't know that guy's name, nor do I care. I don't remember this judge his name, but he's corrupt, but his gavel. Yeah. It's going to be God's gavel.
It is going to be God's gavel.
All right. We're going to come back with more prophetic words after this break.
Hey Dave, a lot of people talk about the ability to read labels. I mean, first you have to read, which is a good thing, but it's really a good idea to start reading labels, isn't it?
It certainly is. Not only does this replace a meal, As far as finances, but I was looking on the back of this when I was taking it the other day Look at all the vitamins and nutrition in this you can't get this in wonder bread
You can't and it's it's a wonder that wonder bread's not killing people really But the bottom line is most of the ingredients in a lot of our foods processed foods, etc Has multiple ingredients.
You just can't pronounce them because it all looks like Chemistry. Well, it really is. But this is actually unique in that it has organic pea protein in it. It has organic greens and reds, vitamins and minerals and soluble and insoluble fiber. So that's what really you're reading. There is all those massive amount of ingredients and that is nutrition for the
Absolutely. You just, you know, you think about just the cost of it like we spoke before, but the nutrients that you're getting are irreplaceable. Yeah.
Yeah, this is, this is really a no brainer, silly kind of concept, but people need to really learn to read the labels. If you can't pronounce what is there because it's chemistry, put it back.
But if you can pronounce it there, and it sounds like something God put in food, put it in your belly. That's why we made Kingdom Fuel.
And we're back with Julie Green... wednesdays with Julie Green we're kind of in the, in the, in the break going over a text from the generals as saying, just when I think I know it all and then it can't get any deeper or darker, I get something more. It goes deeper and darker, deeper and darker, but we're getting, we're getting to the end.
The climax is here.
Yep. And just wait. For emails, computers, and servers, it's gonna blow everything apart.
Speaking of that.
And God keeps bringing it up, and he keeps being more, like, detailed about it, but I can't wait to hear what you have to say.
I have a call today about what you saw in Texas that confirmed your prophetic word.
I'm told it's bigger than anybody can imagine. It's a bombshell of all bombshells.
Well, I think that's what God's been saying. So when he says he's infiltrated the infiltrators and ever in, he's also talked about in his word and Luke, two times in Luke, where he says every lie will be revealed. And one of the things he said, I think it was yesterday's prophecy.
No, no leader can hide from the truth.
You know, with what you saw and what you were the prophetic word you got, I didn't know. I didn't know that bed of Intel. You knew it before me because he showed you before I showed me, I am shocked that they did that because there's a trail that they must be so arrogant to, to even put that on servers.
It just doesn't make any logical sense why they
would do that. Nope. And God mentioned another, he mentioned that book again. So, I don't know what this book is, but it's got stuff in it that I don't know if it's the good guys that have had it, that have been, you know, notes and proof and all this kind of stuff.
It's called, God keeps calling it the book of secrets. I don't know what this book is. Either the bad guys have had it and they've, you know, wrote things down and have pictures in it and do whatever, or it's a good guys or have it. I don't know what book it is. I just know he keeps bringing up a book and he keeps bringing up how it's going to
just explode.
Well, that may be tied to Barry Wunsch's prophetic dream or prophetic word he had yesterday to talked about two sets of books. It's
And I didn't know he said that, so that's just awesome.
Yep. It was a heavy word. I mean, I, I see a lot of prophetic words. I don't, unless you send it to me or Barry sends it to me, I don't have time to read them. But Barry's was so impactful that, you know, it hit me when I was coming back. So I had time to think about it and pray about it.
But I read it three times. I don't write, read anything three times other than the Bible.
I'm telling you, God is bringing out more details in these prophetic words and more insight of what we're going to see because he keeps talking about shock and awe. Back three years ago, all the information that's already come out, a lot of people would not have been able to handle it.
But it's because it's been drip, dripping out and it's been slowly, even though the enemy thinks that, you know, they're allowing certain things to happen because they have fall people. And they have fall guys and they're letting people fall. But at the same time. It's no matter how much they're, you know, suppressing this information.
It's not going to work It's going to explode in their face and everything they've done against president trump because God keeps talking with him as reward It will be done unto them.
that again,
including the church, the church is about ready to be exposed. We talked a little bit about that last week about Canada and the US and I was told I think the last few days that there are going to be some prophetic voices out there that people have trusted in the past, they're going to come crashing down.
So. Hang on, God is shaking, shaking the trees hard. Yeah,
and the thing is, when he talks about everything that can be shaken will be shaken, he also said the church.
Because the church is responsible for allowing certain things to happen. Because some of the church leaders, again, the church was infiltrated.
And that's why so many indoctrination, and one of the prophecies I actually have up here that was exposed is and I know, I'm pretty sure this is what we talked about last week, about how the vaccinations and this is a prophecy and I have to get it up here, but there was right here. This is from the gateway pundit.
This is the prophecy. First, the corporate world is going to be to shake like never before. This is from September 23rd, 2022. Watch my children. These are the days of many resignations. One right after another. It talks about resignations in this one and the next one called the time of darkness. He said an unmasking has begun in my body of the ones who have been leading their sheep and their churches and their Congregations while they're being led by the one world government.
They're being led by the enemy. They have no boldness They have no courage. They are not speaking up because they were paid off. And now this is from October 4th 2023 and it says right here in the gateway punnet new information. This is from the National Institute of Health. So the NIH H is recruiting faith leaders to push dangerous COVID shots to their followers and they were paid.
So God was talking about right here in Unmasking Has Begun on the body of Christ. So we're going to see who these people were that were paid off to push this narrative and to push the vaccine. I know we've talked about it on the show before, recently, how you said that, that faith leaders were going to be connected.
I think we talked about it last week or the week before that. I forgot all about this prophecy back in October.
We were in one of the churches too that's going to be exposed.
I am curious, because I know I was in, what, two or three I think. So I think I know this one you're talking about, because it was a bigger one.
It's just, wow, you just, you just could never fathom that people would either cave, conform, or just write out evil but to take money to push something, push a jab to your congregation, it's just, it's beyond sickening.
But this is what he said, so he said they're leading their sheep, their churches, their congregation while they are being led by the one world government.
They are being led by the enemy. They have no boldness, and they have no courage. They are not speaking up because they were paid off. So God's saying they're a bunch of wimps. They have no backbone, and whether they are, like you said, whether they're doing it for money, which a lot of people do, unfortunately, they do things for money.
Well, they didn't, that's how you know they're, now having money in the body of Christ is not wrong. It's being led by money and being controlled by it. That's what's wrong. Exactly. God should be in control of your ministry. He should be in control of your congregation. He should be in control of church services every Sunday.
Or every Wednesday night or whatever. How many people do it's like, well, we're having an event God's in control this event. If he wants to change everything and he wants to everything that we have scheduled and he wants to change it all up, we're ready for him to change it all up. We don't care because we want him in control of the event.
We don't want to be in control of it. The same thing when, you know, I'm up here every morning at six 30 and he'll change it a minute before I get on. Why? Because it needs to be him. And so these people who are selling themselves for this, Unfortunately, it's not going to go well for them.
No. And you know, people take the money changers out of context.
They attack the church for The church needs money to preach the gospel from east to west to north to south. Jesus turned to overturn the money changers because of the condition of their heart. They were inflating the change rate for their own personal gain. Not the house of worship. That's why Jesus did it.
Yeah. Cause I will tell you, I mean, throwing an event, I know you've thrown stuff, they cost money and it costs a lot. I mean, some of the things that they were showing me and I was like, wait, what? You know, cause I'm like oblivious to some of these things like AV costs and things like that. And I was like, wow.
I said, I'm ... I'm glad God's in control of that. And I'm glad God's responsible for that bill because it's his event. But yeah, there's, I mean, people don't realize what it costs to run ministries and run operations. So ministries need to have money, obviously, but it's how you get it. It's what, how you receive it.
If it's not from God, I don't want it. I mean, seriously, we, there are things that have happened that we've given money back. So, again, I didn't have a problem with it. And when God said, do it, I'm like, okay, because If a person doesn't have the right heart, you don't want to be attached to any of that.
It's it's exactly right.
Yep, because it'll get exposed. God will expose it. Speaking of one of my calls this morning was around the Vatican and exposure coming to Vatican from it from a different way from a different source Actually, this one kind of ties into the NBA believe it or not Vatican is going to be exposed
The Vatican?
Oh yeaGoduys have the Vatican for a long time. And something in their basement. They're hiding stuff. And then They have a lot to answer for. I mean, a lot. On the world stage, they have a lot to answer for. For their, you know, Their religion. And what the religion has been doing. They're responsible for a lot and money has a lot to do with it and how they abuse money.
Not so much anymore. You were kind of let in on a a little bit that I can't expand upon, but let's just say things that are underneath the Vatican that were worth something. Not so much anymore. Gone. Taken away. It's already happened.
I'll say that a blasted out of people's hands. So, I mean, I, I, that's why I think when I started hearing some of these things, because again I've heard like, I don't know how many times I've looked at you, I go, I know.
Like, I just had that dumb look on my face. Like, I was just so like, oh my gosh, God said that, and God said that, and God said that. It was just, I mean, I think it was like six and a half hours, seven hours, whatever it was. And I could have done it longer. I mean, just what you're hearing. You could have done it all day.
You could have done it for two or three days and I've been okay with it. Because what you're hearing, what God has said in all the confirmations on what's really going on was so, so it marked me.
What key was the key component in your view of that summit with everybody around the table? What key? Yeah.
What, what was the key ingredient that, That, that you saw stuck out more than anything else. The unity, what unified us all together, God,
everything by us together was God. It was so awesome because even though I've never seen this before, but how we prayed, what God was doing, how much anointing was there, how much glory was there.
And it was, everything was back. Yes. You heard the things that were going on. Some very horrendous things are happening, but no matter, we didn't dwell upon those things.
It was all. We turn back to God and what God's gonna do about it. And I think that's what was so profound because no matter you have so much evil, God's goodness is so much better than that.
And it's so outweighs that and destroys it all. And so I saw the unity, how we prayed, how the flow was. It was so, it was, it was so amazing how God has used so many different people. The attacks that so many Every single person was going and was under, but it never stopped them. Didn't stop any of them.
They'd fall down, they'd get back up. And no matter what the enemy was doing against them, they kept going. The perseverance, the strength, the love of God. It was just, you knew that God was the reason why they were there. You knew God was the reason why we were all together at that particular moment in time.
And how we were only there because of God.
That's right. All
of us. Did we dealt all with health issues? We've dealt with all the physical, spiritual attacks. It was, I mean, it's horrendous. And a lot of people don't realize that because we don't always talk about it. You know, the struggles that you go through being in the positions that you're in, because I'm not going to give the glory to my adversary.
I'm giving glory to God.
I've talked to several of them since since Texas and every one of them I talked to said they, they felt they, they felt lifted up after that because, you know, we, we fight this battle. Sometimes we think we're fighting this battle alone with the Lord, but we are all you, we were united and I think that gave everybody hope and they were, they felt good that they're not in it all by themselves.
That's right. Cause that's the enemy wants you to do. He wants everybody. Now I'm talking to all these viewers out here. Really? He wants you to feel like you're alone and that no one understands you. No one is in your position that when you're isolated, when he isolates you like that, that's when people are going to give up because there's times where I was very isolated and you feel like no one understands you.
No one can understand the attacks that you're under. No one can understand what's going on in your mind when no one understand what's going on in your body. You feel like it's out of control, and you're all alone. Your enemy wants you isolated, because then that's where he will pound you into the ground, but you're never isolated, because you're always with God.
That's right.
And God's always with you, and God's inside of you, and God is the one who's gonna give you the ability to get back up again. And so when we realize we're not fighting these battles alone, and that's what 1 Peter chapter 5 talks about, we are not alone. And even though our enemy roams around like a lion, he's not one.
He's not a lion. And so when we're fighting these battles, that's why it was so awesome. Some of the things that God was doing, how he's encouraging, you know, all of us, it was a very profound day. I know why he's trying to stop that from happening. It was, yeah.
I believe that that meeting will go down in the history books for two nations.
I do, because the first one that we did last summer was the start of it. And God has more planned. He has more plans.
That's why I can't wait for the next one. I'm like, come on, July. I want everybody to just do, just work out in July because you don't want to wait any longer, but okay. So in these prophetic words, I got to get out a couple to you.
And then I want to go over some cause I know it's going to blow your mind. And I, we're going to talk about the NBA cause you brought that up too. Let's go over that really quick first. Let me see here. This is from, April 3rd of 2022. Now this is talking about a scandal. Since the time has come for their, sorry, the time has come for their judgment and their demise.
April 3rd, 2022. And this is what it says about the NBA. A well known athlete, a basketball player will be reported in a major scandal and his ties to a foreign nation. The truth is coming out regarding the NBA. Listen, Michelin, all that is, is not how it seems. You see the connections to China and the money that was paid to deceive the nation.
Listen for the people in the NBA. That will fall. Players? Yes, but look even higher than that. Adam Silver. Truth is coming for you and, and, and! Stepping down will not save you from what you have done. Epstein, yes, but so much more will be exposed on who you actually are. Adam, your hour of judgment is at hand.
So that's where he's talking about a player, but he's also talking about the entire NBA in general, and he's talking about Adam Silver and how he's connected somehow to Epstein.
And there's some owners involved too.
Yep, he's talking about higher ups. Yep. So then he also, this is from, hold on, let me see what date this was from.
When was that prophetic word? April 2022. And this is from May 12th of 2022. So there's a lot of NBA prophecies and sports prophecies and sports industry in 2022. He says, this is part of it. He talks about the saints will be in your news. Exposure will begin. Many NFL will be exposed. Then he says, there have been many hidden things from the world in the sports arena.
I'll expose 'em all the NFL, the N-B-A-M-L-B, in a world that you didn't even know existed behind closed doors, manipulation and scandals will plague the big three. And the major players who took part in it all will be exposed for either Lord to have said enough, and then he goes on. And then this is this is from January 10th, 2023.
And this one says A great shaking is about to take place in the sports industry that will not go unnoticed. So he's had a lot of other pros regarding the NBA, the NFL, and the MLB. But those are just a few of 'em.
Well, I'll just publicly say if there's any any of any of the three sports whistleblowers that wanna come forward.
There is a case brewing. It's all I'll say that could expose this out through one way Anything that anybody can bring forward would help this case. I'll just leave it at that
And if there's any whistleblowers out there that are contemplating whether they should or shouldn't because of you know You're threatened with your life.
Just know that we pray over whistleblowers all the time.
And you are protected by Almighty God, and he said this is the days of the whistleblowers, and he's giving them a boldness, but he's also protecting them. He's shielded people from the enemy, so the enemy had no idea of the information that they have.
But as you go forward, you will go forward in boldness, as you go forward, you go forward in God's protection. He will protect you, and he will protect your families, and no matter what happens, the enemies will not get what they want. And so as you go forward, do not be afraid because God is on your side.
So that's what I wanted to say to them as an encouragement that we as a ministry, we pray for all the whistleblowers, we pray for them, we cover 'em in the blood of Jesus. We pray for their boldness, we pray for their protection. So you are covered by us as well. So just wanted to encourage that person more people.
we, we do the same. And we, we know many of the whistleblowers. And one of the frustrating part for a whistleblower is because, you know, this. Section of your, your story to expose, but this thing is so much deeper and so connected. Sometimes they think it's been lost or it's not happening fast enough.
You got to let all the pieces and parts play out first until your piece is time to put that piece in. I know there's whistleblowers watching us right now that I personally know that brought me information. Your timing's, it's close, it's close. Don't give up, don't give up. It all has to happen in a, in a, in a, in a, in a process.
The process in an order,
And it's never too late. Cause that's the one thing that the enemy really wants to put on people is that it's just too late. It's gone too far. It's gone too long. People don't care. Nothing's going to be done. That's the farthest thing from the truth. God is always, it's always his perfect timing.
And he uses people at the perfect timing. So even though you thought last year, you thought last month, you thought last week, whatever it is, it's always the timing of God. And he will use a person, and there are things that, whether he was showing them, he was helping them to be more bold or perfecting them in their faith or trusting in God, because a lot of these things that whistleblowers have to do, they, they shouldn't do it without the Lord.
And he will give them that strength. He will give them that peace. He will give them that boldness. He will give them that anointing to get the job done because he knew exactly what these were, they were gonna have, he knew they were gonna be whistleblowers, but he also assigned them, or he is anointed them and appointed them for this time.
And he, they're gonna be used for such a time as this and what, what, what damage it could have done last year. It's gonna blow that out of the water. of what's going to happen when it's the perfect timing of God.
Exactly. Cause look, three years ago, look at what, look what's happening on a daily basis, more exposure, January 6th, the truth is coming out.
The elections of 2020 COVID and the jabs every day, more groundbreaking information is coming out faster and faster that is completely spinning those false narratives on their head. It truly is a war on truth. It's coming back though. And
God's got it all. Every blueprint, he's talked with blueprints.
He's talked about the architects and I know we've talked about several of them times in the show, but he does. And so no matter what, their time is coming. The writing's on the wall, they are defeated and we all will soon see that defeat.
Well, one of the architects you saw in the, the server, that those, those two connect together.
It's crazy when you start thinking about it and knowing what we know now and putting the pieces together, you're just like, wow, it's all connected. I had somebody talk. I was talking to somebody today about one section they're working on. And I said, it's all connected. It is all connected. All of it. And when they say it's all connected, it puts it in a bigger and better perspective.
It's like a big giant web.
That's exactly what
lies and God's call. Even the dam of lies and the dam is breaking. And you know, what happens when a dam breaks a lot of destruction and that the path of that, that water. So there's a lot of damage that's gonna be done to the enemies. And the reason why they're on center stage and the reason why they were allowed that now they were allowed to steal our election, they didn't get away with it.
They were allowed. And the reason why they were allowed is to cause more damage and to completely annihilate them. Because if, if they weren't allowed, then they still would be able, they would be entrenched. They would be still rooted deeply in our government. And God's saying he's pulling their words out for all the world to see.
Cause they closed people down.
Yeah, this is a way better show than it would have been back in 2020 was just like, you know, winning of an election because, you know, President Trump won, but this is, this is, this payout is going to be so much better than.
They would have been better off letting him, letting him win.
Yep. Because the coverup is going to be far worse than just letting him win. Cause Kash Patel said something interesting yesterday or the day before. He said. You know, if president Trump would have won, we, we wouldn't be exposing all this stuff. It was, it worked out for the best because people, the American people wouldn't realize how good they had it and also the corruption.
And you look at all the people that are now awake that we thought never would because of that was allowed. And so Like we were all sitting there. I remember praying on my knees. I was like, I cried out to the Lord. What is going on? You know, this can't, this can't happen. This can't happen. This can't happen.
And like God's just sitting in the heavens and laughs because he sees the end of that. He sees the end result. He sees that this was so much more damaging to them when they're thinking that they, you know, they're so mighty and they're so cool. They got what they wanted. And God goes, you got exactly opposite of what you really wanted because this is going to bring them all down.
The 2020 election. I'm telling you, he's not done with it.
he's not done with that election. He mentions in this prophecy, I'm going to go over with you. He mentions the 2015 election he's mentioned past. So they're, they're just. It's all coming down and I'm telling you, get your popcorn because this show is going to be so exciting to see the crashing down of this system and all these people that were in it that were mocking us, that were, you know, shoving things in our face and down our throats and poisoning us.
And what they're going to do is they're, they're going to get it all back.
Yeah. I was told again, I forgot about this. It was probably three, four years ago. I was told first goes all the way back to Eisenhower. So that's a long time. And JFK, what he, he stood up for the truth about JFK will come out very soon.
How he fought off this and wow, it's going to blow people's minds when this comes out because it blows my mind. Every time I get more information, I'm like, I pinch myself. Is this really real? Is this real?
Yeah. And God said to me, it was over a hundred years. And when you think about a hundred years of our country, You know, this is way before any of us were ever born,
And you think about all the damage that's been done and because people get stuck, you know They you know, they've been selling these elections for a couple years. No, they have not it's not 2020 in 2022 This is so far. You saw a hint of it when you saw hillary panic And you saw her going crazy live on air Basically throwing a little tantrum and she has gone.
She's still throwing a tantrum eight years later You She can't get over 2016, you know, because for the fact that she lost, why? Because they had this election fraud set, but they didn't do it enough.
And something else was stopped in the 2016 election. Something else was stopped that they tried to do.
The good guy stopped that from happening, that they couldn't flip it. And President Trump won fair. He didn't. He didn't cheat to win it. That may or may not come out at some point. But she's wiki leaks. Julian Assange. You heard President Trump just the other day say he's gonna looking at pardoning him.
Okay, I've got to show you something. The Lord just and I did not hear that. I had no idea he talked about Julian Assange because this is something that I thought was weird because I hadn't heard his a lot about him recently. This is what the Lord told me May 26th, three days ago. This is what he told me and I heard this part of it.
Edward Snowden and more like him. Julian Assange. And there is more to these stories that has been told just mentioned that
when, when
was that?
26th, 26 is when I heard it, it
was two days ago, three, three days ago. So it was about three days ago. I, I, yeah, I don't, I did not, did you, did you put that out to the public?
That prophetic? Okay. I didn't see it.
It came out this morning.
But what I was told three, three or four days ago it was just a couple of days ago that, that, that is, that prophetic word is spot on and more. What we think happened to Julian Assange didn't happen to him is what I was told and still not happening to him.
That would be more to the story. Cause I thought it was weird because he's mentioned Edward Snowden a lot. I think it was probably maybe four or five times. And he said there's more like him. And then he mentions Julian Assange, but he says there's more to these stories. And I'm like, well, what? But now, like, okay, what you're saying, I'm like, huh.
I, I wonder what all this is. And I did not know that President Trump said he was going to pardon him. Because you think, why would he say that right now when he's not in the seat of the president?
That's fascinating. We're going to take a quick break. But before we go to the break, just a teaser. I believe part of that Julian Assange, now that I'm thinking about it, It's tied to your prophetic word and what you saw in Texas to the servers, it's all connected.
They should be nervous because they got it all. I think president Trump said that one time. We got it all. We caught him. We caught him. Yep. All right. We're going to take a quick break and come back after this. Good is coming. Light winds.
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All right. All right. We're back, you know, on air, you're going to give it on air.
We're back because as I said in the break He was in a very good mood today. He's always in a good mood, but really good mood. And he talked about the Lord and his savior. And I think he knows a lot more than he's letting on. And it's very optimistic. He didn't seem to be too rattled. And yesterday or today, Barry Wunsch gave his prophecy on.
A president, president Trump and the Fox in his hen house and what president Trump needs to do to let God usher in this awakening. And he, I'm going to get the words wrong, but the greatest days of the United States of America are ahead of us, according to that prophetic word.
There are, he said, there's going to be a rebirth.
So he's destroying, he said this Babylon. And what that means is, is that system, it's a, that's a system that they try to do that's without God.
And he says he's bringing that down. So that's the reason why, just like remember in the Bible and the scriptures where it says if the enemy would have known, he never would have crucified the Holy One of Israel.
Satan never would have crucified Jesus knowing the damage that it would have done to him. If they would know and have known about the election, about what they're doing to him with these court cases, they never would have done them. Never. Because the damage that it's going to cause them It will completely bring them down.
So why do you think Rudy Giuliani is in such a good mood with all the world coming against him? It was his 80th birthday yesterday.
So, he was on my show a couple of weeks ago and I had a prophetic word. I actually read it to him. And so one of the, one of my teammates, team members actually had snapped the snapshot of him while he was hearing the word and the smile on his face.
It was so beautiful. But this, here's another one that he just gave me. This was from May 22nd. I was actually in Texas when I heard this one and it said, Rudy Giuliani, total exoneration. Yes. What they have done to you will not last and your name will be fully cleared of all damage that has been done to you will be wiped out by me.
So hold on my son. It's almost over. Sayeth the Lord. He gave that to me on the 22nd and I gave it out yesterday live on air.
So does he know about that?
I don't know. I haven't, I have, I have to give it to him. I have to
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