Soyuz MS 18 Undocking from International Space Station

8 months ago

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy of Roscosmos and Russian spaceflight participants Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko undocked from the International Space Station’s Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module in their Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft October 16, returning to Earth a few hours later for a parachute-assisted landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan Oct. 17. Peresild, a Russian actress and Shipenko, her producer-director, spent 12 days on the station filming scenes for a movie title “Challenge” under an arrangement between Roscosmos and Moscow-based media entities. Novitskiy returned after spending 191 days in space on a flight which spanned almost 81 million miles. Novitskiy has now logged 531 days in space on his three missions.

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