Focus Our Energies On The Activities of the War Machine/Oligarchy, Not Electoral Politics

8 months ago

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Video LInks/Notes:

(Tweet, Video) "#Shutitdown #Toronto Still going at Union Station"
(Edward Snowden Tweet) "Julian Assange is locked in a dungeon as a political prisoner for the "crime" of publishing award-winning stories nearly fifteen years ago, and yet there are people on here claiming that we have a justice system."
Twitter Thread from me where I briefly explain how
"Trump is easily the best candidate for the military industrial complex's agendas:
China--will ramp up escalations against China along with the media/information network that shills for him (Tucker etc)
Russia--his perceived alliance with Putin will continue to reverse-psychology Dems/lefties into taking the opposite position and warmongering against Russia, while at the same time his administration will in reality continue escalations against the country such as Ukraine proxy war with little pushback from either 'side'
Iran, Syria--Same dynamic deployed as with China, Russia, respectively (outright belligerence against Iran, percieved weakness and Putin capitulation on Syria)
Domestic War on Terror--Trump's presence will fuel the divisive divide &
...conquer culture war, leading to violent incidents, and further calls to ramp up Homeland Security.
No other candidate comes close, imo, to fulfilling all of these war agenda requirements.

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