A03a - God: Does He Exist?

9 months ago

Does God exist? What can we know about him?
This first regular lesson of our course covers the existence and attributes of God.

In Part I, we consider how we can know with certainty, through human reason, that God exists, by looking at the physical world and at the human person.

0:00 Trailer
0:17 Intro
1:39 Recap and overview
3:02 Man's capacity for God
7:44 Can we know God? Intellect and imagination
12:52 The argument from design
20:55 Evolution?
23:16 The first-cause argument
25:58 The Big Bang and the Kalam argument
27:59 The argument from conscience
31:16 The argument from history
33:48 The argument from the Bible
35:14 Pascal's Wager
37:33 Outro

Check out Catholics for Israel's online Bible Course, by Dr. André Villeneuve, for FREE:
Part I: GOD'S STORY, OUR STORY - An Introduction to the Story of Salvation
Part II: LIVING IN THE KINGDOM - An Introduction to the Catholic Church and Catholic Faith

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