A02 - God's Story, Our Story: The Story of Salvation and Your Part in it

9 months ago

This lesson is an overview of the salvation history and a summary of the entire Bible. God created the world and made a covenant with man, the crown of creation. But tempted by the devil, man sinned and lost God’s life. God gradually restored man to himself through his covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus, who redeemed the human race in his Paschal Mystery. Jesus appointed his apostles to continue his work through the Church, until he returns at the end of history.

0:00 Trailer
0:38 Intro
2:00 Recap and overview
4:39 God: Creator of heaven and earth
7:45 Adam in Eden
13:35 The fall
18:42 God's promise of salvation and covenant family
22:06 Covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David
27:45 Exile and return
29:35 Jesus the Messiah
36:08 New Covenant and Paschal Mystery
42:55 The Church
49:25 God's people through history
52:09 Last things
55:52 Outro

Check out Catholics for Israel's online Bible Course, by Dr. André Villeneuve, for FREE:
Part I: GOD'S STORY, OUR STORY - An Introduction to the Story of Salvation
Part II: LIVING IN THE KINGDOM - An Introduction to the Catholic Church and Catholic Faith

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