I’m Surprised You’re Surprised Trump Was Convicted; He'll Lose November, Too

4 months ago

(This essay is a profoundly cynical take on politics and our country's current state. Still, it's worth considering because it just might be less cynical and more prophetically real than we want to believe.)

In 2019, the @dailywireplus team convened for a Backstage event, featuring @ClayTravis as a guest. His bright red blazer was a bold statement, symbolizing a red wave of conservative victories. True to his optimism, Florida started strong, delivering a resounding win. However, as the night dragged on and the clock struck 2 AM, the tides turned dramatically. Darkness fell over the country’s electoral map, only to reveal a sudden spike in votes favoring Biden by morning. Half the nation was left in disbelief, myself included.

That fateful night was a turning point. It became clear that the game had fundamentally changed. The era of political transparency had given way to one where rules seemed obsolete, and the Democrats appeared willing to go to any lengths to secure their dominance. The covert tactics of the past are now conducted in broad daylight, unmasked and unabashed. Why should they hide? With the media firmly in their corner, Republican infighting rife, and a legal system seemingly bent on maintaining the current regime, they have little to fear.

Against this backdrop, I find it astonishing that some conservatives believed Trump would escape conviction on May 30, 2024. Despite the lack of legal grounding for such a verdict, it was almost inevitable in this lawless landscape where justice seems to bend under political pressure. The conviction, though unjustifiable by legal standards, was unsurprising to those who have observed the unfolding dynamics. The era where the law reigned supreme has been replaced by a period where power and control take precedence. The common retort to the conviction is a defiant one:
Just wait. Do you Democrats realize what you have done? You have ensured Trump’s victory in November.

Yet, I am convinced he will lose again, just as he did before. The system in play is rigged with a different deck of cards, designed to sustain their grip on power. I wish I could offer a more hopeful perspective, a solution to this deep-seated problem. However, my outlook remains tinged with cynicism. Despite this, I refuse to be silenced in my small sphere of influence. I urge every conservative who holds America dear to take action. Recognize that the opposition operates with a calculated strategy, not out of ignorance or insanity, but with a clear understanding of their goals and methods.

Owning the libs on social media may provide momentary satisfaction, but it does not translate into electoral victories. They hold the reins of power, and without divine intervention, the situation seems bleak. Yet, we must remember that God often works through human agency to fulfill His purposes. As we pray for change, we must also act, striving to preserve the freedoms we still hold. It is through a combined effort of faith and action that we may hope to see a turnaround in this nation.

In conclusion, the conviction of Trump and his potential loss in November are not anomalies but expected outcomes in the current political climate. The game has changed, and only by recognizing this new reality can we begin to navigate it effectively. Through perseverance, prayer, and proactive engagement, we can work towards reclaiming the values that once defined this land of the free.


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