"REMOTEVIEWS drays special forces space marines SecretSpacePrograms SSP"

8 months ago

[note] higher dimensions galactics turn off all space programs also Artificial Intelligence as well military on full disclosure, fulll disclosure is only for allow full life evacuation happen, hybrid cloning space programs super soldiers are not higher dimension galactics but DNA manipulation victims physical mental handicaps on DNA level mix lower dimension beings aka alien DNA with people DNA, you can overdrive all DNA manipulation rewrite DNA into physical when become meditative focus full mental work for receive own soul full blueprint full memory directly from higher into lower, long slow process but not impossible mission for hybrid even already impossible mission for clones cloning, clones are physical trash, technologys for cell level healing is coming how quick physical healing 100% physcal healthy but life quality is up DNA level healing aka key for soul connection into physical, soul write DNA before born also soul can write DNA into physical after born when know do full mental work, needs fate or trust or direction for not read write think but deep relax for receive maximal with nature connection even then take months or option is move directly into safe zone into higher frequency for stay on higher dimensions where real soul healing happen


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