Masonic Sabotage of the West (I watch Arizona Militia marching streets in Tucson back in 2001)

8 months ago

Better start forming local militia again. The USA has been sold-out by Masonic politicians, like everywhere else. Nato counties have been stripped of their defenses by FREEMASONS sending supplies to the fake war in Ukraine where innocent sheeple die as sacrifices to the rising NWO, world-wide police-state. Putin is Masonic, too. But the devastation is very real. Freemasons in control will manipulate the patsies to kill and to die.

This war is no different than any other.
Masonic politicians manipulate countries under Masonic political control to slaughter their own citizens of sheep.
Freemasons are the sheepdogs following the whistle-commands of their masters, Homo capensis, the ancient devils from hidden, past, spiritually-failed-civilizations.

They come from the Proto-Saturnic solar-system, didn't you figure that out already? You need to do true research rather than listening to Masonic "educators"(brainwashers) of lies. The Freemasons follow in the footsteps of their (failed-mankind) masters. This is where the magnetic brainchip technology comes from... our society is a long time away from such advanced technology, but Freemasons are using it to extinct humanity:

If you look a
Why is Canada "The richest resources country in the world" less wealthy than South Korea or Egypt?
Because the same Freemason monopoly pushing Castro to lead Canadian politics is in control of the country's "wealth." They steal by tricking Canadians to pay Masonic(Vatican) private banking loans.


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