#178 Driving to the final hours of session w/ Rep. Beryl Amedee

7 months ago

Chris and Danielle grab an opportunity to speak with none other than Rep. Beryl Amedee (LA-51). Where has her crusade for bodily autonomy taken her? and how close is she to getting her legislation signed into law?


Ephesians 1:11 TPT


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Danielle talks about the wisdom in today’s scripture (02:47)

The State of Freedom welcomes back Rep. Beryl Amedee (05:45)

Why a legislative placeholder matters (08:02)

Arguing against medical anti-discrimination (12:42)

HB 908’s progress (19:23)

Rep. Amedee’s views on the current laws (22:32)

No reason to know a person’s vaccine status (24:48)

On the budget and other matters (26:36)

On constitutional conventions (30:54)

A few other topics on her mind (33:35)

State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (34:59)


Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

Sound effects by Pixaby

Produced by Podcasting Pros

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