WHO is Dr. Tedros

9 months ago

He is the perfect man to run the WHO.

He is not a medical doctor.

He is a man of that checks all the boxes for the Communists who want to control the health of every individual in the world.

A man who has no care for humanity.

Before Tedros was chosen to lead the WHO he was the “Health Officer” for his home nation of Ethiopia.

Human Health Watch reported that Tedros participated in widespread political persecution.

He withheld Food & Medicine from Ethiopians that were of ethnicities unlike his own.

The group that was hurt the most were the Amharas who are now, quote “missing two million people” due to lack of food and medicine.

Prior to being a Health Officer of Ethiopia he was the third highest member of Ethiopia’s Tigrays Peoples Liberation Front, a hard left organization that became part of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, which is a known TERRORIST Organization.

So Tedros allowed many of his own citizens to starve to DEATH and he is promoted to be their Health Official and then promoted to Run the WHO.

That’s how you move up the latter in the NWO.

When he ran for WHO head, Dr. Tedros was the ONLY one who was NOT a Medical Physician.

But he had the Dr. in front of his name.

After all, this is a game of deception and he just fit the part so perfectly.

His full name is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Source: Front Line Doctors -- https://aflds.org


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END. 6/10/2024 – 9:00 PM

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