🚨BREAKING: Donald Trump raises record shattering $200M+ since the rigged conviction!

4 months ago

The daughter-showering POS currently occupying the Oval Office just made the biggest political mistake in American history, having his useful idiots in the Police State of New York convict Donald Trump in a rigged trial with a handpicked jury of communists.

In the 72 hours following the bullshit verdict, Donald Trump gave Joe Biden and the rest of the communists on the left the middle finger by raising a record-setting $200M in donations!

What's crazier is that over $70M of that comes from small donors which is INSANE, 30% of which were first-time donors to the Trump campaign!

Joe Biden has successfully united the country...behind what he calls 'The Great MAGA King!"
The left has woke a sleeping giant, and this November WE THE PEOPLE will deliver the final verdict and evict the Biden regime from the White House.

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