House Administration Hearing On NON CITIZENS VOTING

9 months ago

NEW 2024: House Administration Hearing On NON CITIZENS VOTING | “This is a disaster what happened in pennsylvania that has not gotten enough attention” “Pennsylvania has been registering non-citizens to vote for 20 years, and they admit it. This is not subject to debate”

“This is a disaster what happened in pennsylvania that has not gotten enough attention”

“Pennsylvania has been registering non-citizens to vote for 20 years, and they admit it. This is not subject to debate”

“The question is was it ten thousand or a hundred thousand”

For the voter records “We’re the third circuit court of appeals we've already won summary judgment but Pennsylvania is playing a keep away”

“The D.C. Board of Elections held a call a few weeks ago encouraging non-citizens to vote in the municipal elections”

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