compassion is better but i can still be annoyed, damnit

9 months ago

story time waiting at this exit
this smoothie is gross cos i put waaaay too much lettuce in it, it's okay it will be consumed
the mother of all 12 step cults
i think i was 21 when i supposedly met this guy
yes i do this when i count every time
i don't have to or wanna wear a bra
bras do not defy gravity, i called bullshit on that freshman year of high school
my tits are still just as perky as they were at 16
i feel sorry for this guy but this is really annoying
if a woman doesn't have boobs it's cos she was in a freak accident or sumin
narcissism makes people stupid
i'm in awe of anyone that knows their stuff
that's max, mucho guapo
mini cooper is way nicer than chevy aveo tho i still miss fiona so much
mucho dinero is right
i know yawl have met max before
i will totally vouche for immigrants like him
immigrants never complain about working
idols are not a good thing, son
i find it funny that he essentially made Jesus non-binary
i would have endless material if i did bits on internet people but i almost think it's cheating
that's order when you're readeeeeeee krysta
it's funny i'm wearing a shirt from one of my former jobs
i might just do a mic on tue night after work but i have to force myself
this is a vlog so i can talk all i want
yelling at me...CLASSIC lexi
i ain't no scholar but i know that Jesus ain't no idol
these total creeps thinkin that pretending to know shit will impress me

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