Invasion Of Lyran Planet & The Akashic Records, A SCHH session

8 months ago

Explore a Lyran lifetime, and the Akashic Records, this a #SCHH session 🌌✨ SCHH stands for Soul Center Healing Hypnosis by Laura Whitworth. I am currently studying SCHH and this session provided me with the necessary entity release before starting sessions on others.
🔮 About This SCHH Session: Join us for a journey through time and space, uncovering lost knowledge and cosmic connections. Discover the galactic civilizations of Lyra, offering a fresh perspective on our spiritual evolution. Big thanks to Kate Martin for facilitating this session. She is also a SCHH practitioner.
🌟 Special Offer: Interested in your own transformative journey? Sessions are conveniently held online. Check availability and book here:

Please ensure to read the full details before booking. Your session will be crafted to explore the depths of your own past life memories and spiritual insights.
#qhht #PastLifeHypnosis #akashicrecords #LyranStarseed #pleiadians #Lyra #SpiritualJourney #2024Predictions #schh
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Note: Content is for entertainment purposes and has been shared with permission.

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