…canadas greatest threat, waking up, lgbtq cheats, why are you telling me?

7 months ago

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…canadas greatest threat, waking up, lgbtq cheats, why are you telling me, chemtrails, law dictionary, bill cooper, evil, liberty?
12.52 millenial wakes up
17.29 tranny confronted
18.35 lgbt cheats
20.04 why are you telling me
27.30 chemtrails Injecting the sky - Met Office confirm Geoengineering
30.51 climate change over the years
33.44 Remember when the mainstream media claimed how a meteor majestically fell into a volcano and started it.
34.15 brainwashed
36.42 lawyer dictionary
39.02 Bill Cooper was murdered after releasing information about 9 11 before it happened
42.24 eukrain johnson war monger
43.24 statue of liberty truth
46.26 democrat had enough
48.59 sell your soul
49.51 soylent green
50.55 spinach vit c
52.12 water straw

53.03 z shoes

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…canadas greatest threat, waking up, lgbtq cheats, why are you telling me, chemtrails, law dictionary, bill cooper, evil, liberty?

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