6/2: Happy Life Affirmation Day HONORABLE BRO. #JustinJPearson!!! A True Shining Black Prince!!!

8 months ago

Happy Life Affirmation Day BE-YOU-TOO-FULL HONORABLE BRO. #JustinJPearson!!! A True Shining Black Prince!!!

May you enjoy this day made special by your debut…May you take time to acknowledge and celebrate a unique creation ‘The UNiverSOUL GOD’ made right the first time and only once…You are indeed a once in a lifetime phenomenon that should be witnessed to truly be enjoyed as well as known to be truly 🥰 loved!!! May your journey bring you more joy than pain and MOOR LOVE ❤️🖤💚 than hurt…May you access the infinite wisdom of ‘The UNiverSOUL GOD’ that resides in you to let you utilize other worldly and esoteric 🎁 gifts, known as well as unknown, to bring a sense of harmony, wonderment and purpose in the empirical matrix plane that you currently reside…Let yourself not dwell on the things that you cannot control, but rather get maximum benefit out of the things at your command… May you see your life ultimately as clay to be molded by ‘The Most High’ into a powerful vessel/conduit for transformative ❤️🖤💚 and healing ❤️‍🩹…And May You Always Know That The Best Is Yet To Come And That You And You Alone Are The Writer, Director, & Lead Actor/Actress Of Your Own Movie 🎥 🤩 AKA Life So Make It Critically Acclaimed As Well As A Blockbuster!!! We ❤️🖤💚 U Madly Mane!!!

What A True Plum Pleasing Pleasure It Was To Honor You With The Following Award This Year @ The National Fort Pillow Massacre Wreath Laying Ceremony This Year Mane!!! The Best Is Yet To Come, Keep Shining Bright & May The #RighteousAnceSTARs & UNiverSOUL GOD Continue To Bless & Protect You!!!

2024 W.E. A.L.L. B.E. Standing Our Ground & Telling Our Truth Like Ida B. Wells-Barnett Artivist Lifetime Achievement Award PRESENTED To The Honorable TN State Representative Bro. Justin J. Pearson For Using His Creative Genius & Exceptional Dedicated Service For The Upliftment & Empowerment Of HUE-MANEity.

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