Tedros LAUGHING over International Health Regulations / Global Pandemic Treaty amendments...

8 months ago

World Health Assembly agreement reached on wide-ranging, decisive package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations, Global pandemic treaty to be concluded by 2025
WHO Director General dr. Tedros: "Thank you, because tonight we have all won and the world has won...You have made history here today in approving a strong package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. You have strengthened the cornerstone of international health law. In doing so you have made the world safer. I have always believed that both the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Agreement could be finalized for this health assembly. IHR - tick and the Pandemic Agreement is not done yet, but I have no doubt it will be. You have charted a clear path forward and we have demonstrated your clear commitment to finalizing it if possible this year, if not the latest by May 2025..."

Source: Camus on X at: https://x.com/i/status/1797007274197598448

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Truth Provider - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Rq8rtj86oLiX/

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