June 2, 2024

3 months ago

Sermon Notes
John 20:1 & 2 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb while it was still dark, saw the stone rolled away and assumed someone took Jesus’ body
John 20:3 – 8 Peter and John run to the tomb after being told that Jesus’ body was missing, entered into the tomb, did not find the body, but found the linen wrappings
John 20:9 They didn’t understand the Scriptures about Jesus rising from the dead
John 20:10 Petere and John went home
John 20:11 – 14 Mary while weeping looked into the tomb and saw two angels, who ask her why she is weeping
John 20:15 Jesus asks her why she is weeping and she turns around, thinking that Jesus is the gardener asks where the body was taken
John 20:16 When Jesus says her name she recognizes Him
John 20:17 Jesus tells her to stop clinging to Him and tells her and go to His brethren and tell them that “I ascend to the Father”
John 20:18 Mary does as instructed
1 Corinthians 15:3 - 8 Jesus’ resurrection according to the Scriptures

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