9 months ago


Can the International Space Station exist in the vacuum of space?

First off, the idea that the International Space Station (ISS) is out there, orbiting a globe Earth, is a narrative that's been widely accepted without the critical scrutiny it deserves. The notion that a man-made structure could withstand the immense vacuum of space is, to put it mildly, questionable. 🤔

In the flat Earth perspective, the vacuum of space presents a scenario that's not just challenging but impossible for something like the ISS. The argument goes that the vacuum's force would be too powerful, potentially crushing the ISS if it were actually up there. The physics of maintaining such a delicate balance of internal pressure against the vast emptiness of space raises eyebrows. 🌌

But here's where it gets really interesting: the ISS footage that many people marvel at. Flat Earthers argue that this footage is not shot in the cold vacuum of space but rather in a much more controlled, and frankly, wetter environment. Yes, I'm talking about a large swimming pool, equipped with a green screen to fabricate the cosmic backdrop. 🏊‍♂️🎬

This setup, known among skeptics as the "giant pool theory," suggests that astronauts are not floating due to the lack of gravity in space, but are instead underwater, simulating the appearance of zero gravity. The use of green screens would then allow for the addition of any desired background, making the illusion complete. 🌌➡️🏊‍♂️

So, when you see those mesmerizing videos of astronauts aboard the ISS, remember, according to flat Earth theory, you might actually be watching some incredibly sophisticated aquatic theatrics. It's a perspective that certainly challenges the mainstream narrative and invites us to question what we're shown. 🤯🌐

Remember, always keep an open mind and question the narratives presented as the unquestionable truth. 🧐📚

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