1948, The Aztec UFO Crash

8 months ago

In 1950, controversial author Frank Scully released the book, "Behind the Flying Saucers." This effort, written during the beginnings of UFO awareness in the United States, was considered to contain fabricated, or sensationalized accounts of four UFO crashes.

One of the accounts covered an alleged crash at Aztec, New Mexico in 1948, only a brief period after the famous Roswell incident.

Scully's information came largely from a mysterious Dr. Gee. Depending on which commentary you read, the identity of this physician is attributed to either a real doctor or a fictitious person who was composed of elements of several different witnesses.

Scully described the Aztec crash as that of a craft that was measured at exactly 99.99 feet in diameter, covered by a material that resembled a lightweight, shiny metal that possessed incredible strength and durability.

It seems that nothing on this earth could penetrate or damage the hull of this craft from another world.

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