NC CCH class every other Saturday

9 months ago

What has changed in your life since you started carrying?

I have had some major changes due to CC, a few of which I’ll share.

I pretty much got sober…. Not that I felt I had a problem with a 6pack every night but looking back I wasn’t doing myself any favors with my drinking. I pretty much quit that day in that class. My thoughts on it was, well I can have my drink or I can protect my family. Sure I’ll have a beer about once every 3/4 months but I am so much more present now that those years from being a kid to my early 30s.

My temper and road rage. I wouldn’t consider myself confrontational but I would call you every name in the book if you cut me off or did me wrong on the road. There was times where it did get verbal between me and other drivers, but thankfully nothing ever got physical. I approach things way differently now knowing that I have to uphold a standard and not just give in to the actions of others.

I care more for people. I try to put my self in their shoes, the “person of ordinary firmness” is such a loose term in my mind and I try to live my life never having to be judged by 12 of them. I feel like I take the whole situation into consideration now, rather than just the immediate interaction.

The biggest change was I became a firearms instructor. I felt there was changes to be made and I wanted to be a part of that. I don’t agree with the fact we need a permit to carry. I don’t agree with the fact if we have been vetted there are places we can’t go with it. I don’t think it’s right we get treated with disrespect for choosing to excersize our constitutionally protected rights.

What are some of the reasons you have came up with over the years? I’d love to hear them.

Here’s a video of the folks I got to work with this weekend.

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