Inside Eight of the World’s ELITE Tier One Units (What do they do?)

8 months ago

Do you know the various special operations tier one units from around the world? There are plenty more units besides the U.S. Military’s five tier one special mission units. Throughout the world, most countries have elite tier one units that operate in the shadows.

The eight tier one units from around the world covered in this video are America’s Delta Force, Israel’s Sayeret Matkal, United Kingdom’s Special Air Service (SAS), Canada’s Joint Task Force 2, Australia’s Special Air Service Regiment (SASR), Poland’s Operational Mobile Reaction Group (GROM), Germany’s Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK), and France’s GIGN. If you’d like to learn more about what tier one operators do in these tier one units, as well as their missions, training, purpose, and much more - watch this video!

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