Who authorized the Government taking over Charity? | Ep. 10

4 months ago

What authority has God given government when it comes to charity? Has God given the government any authority to be charitable? If not government then who does God call to be charitable? Does God give the Family and the Church certain roles and responsibilities? Are those roles and responsibilities separate from the government or under the government’s authority. What role has the Bible had on creating law in America? Did the founding Father’s get our laws directly from the Bible or was there a long history between them and the Bible that we should study to understand their reasoning?
On this episode you’ll hear Pastor Jeff, Pastor Tim and Average Joe quickly answer these questions that should be obvious to anyone following Jesus Christ. The government is not called to be involved in charity in any way. In fact our founding fathers put forth great effort to clearly make that illegal but in their brevity corrupt politicians have found a way around the Constitution which only takes 27 minutes to read. That’s the same document the culture says you need an advanced degree, preferably 4 to 6 years of post-graduate work.
You’ll hear the team talk about the history that led up to government taking over most of the charitable institutions in our culture. We’ll start in 1831 and move up to 1965. We’ll briefly mention 1100 and a few other dates. Famous quotes will come from James Polk, Antonin Scalia, Lydon B. Johnson.
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please leave us a comment if you want to hear more depth on this topic or let us know what other topics you want to discuss.
Please don’t forget to send us your BLOOD RED PASTORS. If you’re pastor is speaking out against the sinfulness in the culture, we want to know. Share a video clip by sending a link to PODCAST@CORNERSTONESJ.ORG and please let us know the best 2 minutes on the link, start and end times please. We’ll show that clip on an upcoming episode.
Thank you!!

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