What is Populism?

8 months ago

The rise of Populism is a reflection of genuine problems in America, most of which have to do with the general knowledge among We the People that the game is rigged for the elites at the expense of everyone else. It most certainly is and ever more so now than ever before in American history.
Historically, Populist movements sprang up out of a foundational belief that people should have some influence over the structure of the government that rules over them (genuine Democracy--rule by the people) and not be forever forced to be part of a system that someone else has constructed.
That's the hallmark of modern Populism. It's not necessarily left-wing or right-wing. It's merely an insistence that people should not live in virtual cages. Nothing more than that.
These cages can take many forms. It can be a thing called the "European Union" which is really a distant central state that overides the rights of of everyone living in its member countries. It can also be an agency-riddled central government such as the "United States" which exists nowhere in in our nation's founding document, the Constitution for the United States of America. It can even be a privately-owned and deceptively-named central bank like the U.S. Federal Reserve that exercises vast power that we Americans have no control.
It's too bad that there is not another word besides Populism to describe our Freedom Movement, but that is the word with which we are stuck. If you think of it as meaning nothing other than a desire by We the People to have control over the systems that rule us, then it's a fine word. It doesn't need to be characterized by the stereotyped ugliness of witch burnings, the bonfire of vanities, the red scares, or the stoning mobs of a Monty Python skit.
It can be more like the American Revolution, the French resistance to the Nazis, the Russian Refuseniks, the Solidarity movements of Poland, or the voters who pushed for Brexit in defense of national sovereignty of Britain.
The trouble with the rejection of all Populist movements is that it lands you squarely on the side of entrenched elites, while blocking all pathways to badly needed reforms. If you keep it up and take it to its ultimate conclusion, you end up constructing a Totalitarian society that is good only at keeping the regime in power regardless of the cost, even if it means crushing civil liberties, human rights, prosperity, and traditions of Law. Truly, if your fundamental principle of government is that the regime must be stable and uncontested no matter what, then that's where you will end up.
Of course, all the grassroot movements the world over were called Populist, as a signal to elites that they were dangerously intolerable and had to be crushed. And what was the response of the elites to world's most recent Populist movements? From 2018 and onward, all crazy trends in policy, media, tech, medicine, and practically everything else were deployed toward the end of stopping these movements.
Consider just how extreme this became in 2020: the simultaneous announcement all over the world from every bureaucrat and every bought-and-paid-for politician that a "Great Reset" was taking place, and that included the most egregious and brazen displays of despotic power we've ever seen in modern times, including even the shuttering of churches, small businesses, and schools, the closing of travel and hospitality, and the censorship of all media.
Just to illustrate how far they were willing to go, they even attempted global "mandates" to make us receive an experimental shot that any knowledgeable medical professional knew for sure wouldn't contribute anything to public health. It was a way for the ruling elite to underscore their main point: we are in charge and you are not. Comply with dictates, no matter how arbitrary or crazy, or else.
We might ask the question: if the world's most powerful people, and especially agencies tasked with assuring "national security," had to resort to such extreme tactics, and all under the implausible claim of having to control a virus, just how fragile is their rule? Just how afraid are they of what they are calling our Populist movement?
There should be another word, but "Populist" is all we have. The new Populism is the growing demand by vast numbers of people in this country for a restoration of their rights and liberties, and a return to our nation's founding principle that We the People ought to be the ones who control the government under which we live. There is nothing extremist about that idea. In fact, the real "extremists" are those currently in power who are willing to do anything in order to keep their illegitimate power.
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