9 months ago

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Welcome to the Day 17 of 100 Days FASTING and PRAYER, Monday 3rd June, 2024.


Scriptures from New King James version: We take on Genesis 26:12-14, Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him.

Success is from God. The scripture says in James 1:17 that every good gift comes from God. Also, in John 3:27 the scripture says that no one has anything unless given to him by God. In addition, the scripture says in Exodus 33:19 that God shows Mercy to whom he will show mercy and compassion on whom he will show Compassion. That there are serious economic problems, crisis or even famine in the nation does not concern the one whom God chooses to bless. He can bless somebody and prosper him in the midst of a tremendous adverse economic situation in the country. In Genesis 26:12-14, the scripture recorded that God blessed Isaac in a foreign land in the midst of severe famine in the land, while everybody was complaining, God blessed and prospered him until he became very prosperous. Your finances and progress shall not be determined by adverse Government policies or economic situation in the country.

Because you are connected to this program, God will visit you with abundant prosperity. You shall experience total recovery and experience total recovery and restoration. Every door closed against you shall be opened and your enemies shall be forced to retreat, surrender and extinguished in the name of Jesus.

We take on our PRAYER POINTS 1 to 4.

Prayer point #1. Lord, by you power, grant me success like the rain in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Prayer point #2. My Father, by your power, grant me uncommon success and breakthrough in the area of my endeavor in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Prayer point #3. My Father, My Father, locate, overthrow, dethrone and destroy every power seating upon my throne spiritual and temporal in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Brethren take up your Pray Effective Prayer Book 45.

Unto you, O Lord, will all glory be given! Unto you, O Lord, will all worship and praise be given. For the wonders you are doing, have done and will still do. In Psalm 102:13 your word says, "thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favour her; yes, the set time has come, the time to show your divine favour has come". Great God, I need your favour, release your hands of favour upon my life for a total turnaround. In the name of Jesus Christ, I claim and declare that I am favoured from the east; I claim and declare that I am favoured from the west; I claim and declare that I am favoured from the north; I claim and declare that I am favoured from the south in Jesus name. Amen. Favour of God locate me. Amen. (we declare if 3 times)! Favour of God locate me! Favour of God locate me! Favour of God locate me! Amen and Amen! You said in 2 Corinthians 6:2, that when the time came to show me favour, you heard me. Hear me, Lord, by your mercy. In Psalm 30:5, it is written that your favour is for a life time. I claim long time favour; I claim spiritual favour; I claim physical favour and I claim all round favour in Jesus name. Amen. I am connected to God's favour from day to day in Jesus name. Amen. I will not die before and after the date of my favour in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for showing me your favour in Jesus name. Amen.

Èkere Ôrû Èke in interpretation means division of labour.
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