Norbert Heuser Jeff Rense Show: Piercing is a sure way to harm your body

9 months ago

Like Tattoos, body piercings have a long history. Did you know, that Mayan royalties had their genitals and tongues pierced? Even during the prudish Victorian era, may women pierced their nipples. Pirecing indicated sexuality throughout history, rites of passage an ritual initiation, very similar to Tattoos. Body piercings have always been and still are common in tribal societies throughout Africa, Asia and South America. In the U.S., piercing became mainstream during the 1990s and today it is perhaps more popular than ever.

But piercings often cause a lot of problems arising. Doctors estimate, its one out of every five individuals. Some problems are only painful, some dangerous: Bleeding, scarring, jewelry allergies and the formation of keloids, which are thick overgrowths of scar tissue. But there are also serious complications like nerve damage, and sometimes they even affect internal organs or lead to sepsis. This is a potentially fatal illness that requires immediate medical attention. Even endocarditis occurs, a heart inflammation that can be life-threatening.

The piercing can infect you with hepatitis B and C during the procedure. Especially piercings in your mouth can cause tongue-swelling, drooling and painful difficulties during eating ... not very sexy. Still convinced, that piercing is cool?

Piercing your private parts may give you a look of savagery, but let me tell you: Many men with genital piercings experience grave complications. The "Prince Albert piercing" at the end of the penis – is associated with a narrowing of the opening for urine. Sometimes, new tracts are created that leak semen and urine. In some rare cases the penis even developes squamous cell carcinoma.

What piercings do to your body and health, even if you don't suffer these horrible damages, I will explain you in this informative and important talk with Jeff Rense.

Norbert Heuser is an entrepreneur and life-coach. He explains, informs and provides advice.
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