4 months ago

32 Very Important Things You Really Need To Know In Your Christian Walk In Christ Jesus

1. Know Importance of Paul's Revelation In Christ All 9 parts +.
2. . Man's Identification with Adam In His Sin and Fall. Romans 5:17-21
3. 4. The Results of Adam's sin on Mankind. Ephesians 2:1-4
4. 5. What Happened To Jesus From the Cross to The Throne of God 2Corinthians 5:21
5. 6 Our Identification with Jesus in Each part of His Death, Burial and Ressurection.
6. Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:6, Ephesians 2:5,6, etc.
7. 7. Jesus Present Day Ministry for Us As ou Intercessor, Advocate, Shepherd, Establisher, High Priest of Our Confeession Psalm 23. Romans 8:37
8. 8. What the Holy is Doing In Us, in Developing Us and Renewing our Minds.Romans 12:2
9. 9, Walking In Agape Love of God. 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5
10. 10.New Creation Realities. 2 Corinthians 5:17
11. 11. Righteousness Realities.2 Corinthians 5:21
12. 12 Deliverance is Ours In Christ Colossians 1:13,14
13. 13 Victory is ours In Christ
14. 1 Corinthians 15:5716.14 Redeemed from Poverty Sickness and spiritual Death, Prosperity In christ Jesus Galatians 3:13, 29, 3 John 2, Phillians 4:19
15. 15. Faith Romans 12:3 Philemon 1:6
16. 16. Healing In Christ 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 8:17
17. 17 Importance of Confessing, Meditating in God's Word Joshua 1:8, Philemon 1:6
18. 18.Being Lead and Walking in the spirit Rom 8:14-17
19. 19 Giving Luke 6:38, 1 Corinthians 9:5-15, Phillipians 4:19
20. 20 Endtimes, Rapture Soon, Jesus is Coming soon Matt 24, Ephesians 1:10
21. 21 Exposing New World Order, Illuminati, Whore of Babylon Apostate Church, Bondage of 501C3 Control
22. 22. Exposing Free mason Infiltration in Media and religion
23. 23Promises of God and 134+ Scriptures telling us Who We Are and What we Have In christ Jesus!!
24. 24 Authority od The Name of Jesus Mark16:17-20
25. 25. Authority of the Believer
26. Mark16:17-20
27. 26 Zoe The Life of God is in Us Through Jesus,We are Partakers of His divine Nature, How to develop It. John 10:10, Romans 5:17 Romans 8:2
28. 27 Being Baptised in the Holy spirit and praying in A New Heavenly Prayer Language Acts 2, Jude 20
29. 28 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 12, 14
30. 29 Legal and Vital Sides of redemption John 3:16, Phillipians 1:31 Walking in th spirit
31. Romans 8:1, Galatians 5:16
32. 30 Receiving the Engrafted Word and Doing, Acting on God's Word Galatins 6:8, James 1:23.24
33. 31. Legal and Vital Sides of Redemption John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:14, Phillipians 1:6
34. 32 9 Fruits of Our Recreated Born Again spirit.
35. 33 The Heavenly Father's Care For Us and Desire For A Heavenly Family

1. Man Is A Spirit, (Has A Soul, Lives In A Body. What Is Man?)
2. Our Identification With Adam In His Fall.
3. What Happened To Man As A Result Of Adam’s Fall.
4. What Happened To Jesus, (spiritually) From The Cross To The Throne.
5. Our Identification With Christ in His Death, Burial and Resurrection.
6. Who We Are And What We Have In Christ.
7. Jesus Present-Day Ministry Before The Heavenly Father.
8. What The Holy Spirit Is Doing In Us Through Heart Obedience, Mind Renewal Meditation and spiritual development to Maturity.
9. The Heavenly Father’s Care, Reason For Redemption, His Desire To Have A Family.
As you meditate in these truths you will fill out into this form of Doctrine, this Mold, which is actually Jesus Himself, His person and work, and you will fill out into the height, width, depth and breadth, to know the love of God and be filled with all the fullness of God.

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