Arbitrage bot. Step by step instructions in the DESCRlPTION

8 months ago

🔥 Arbitrage is a lucrative way to earn passive income in the world of DeFi with automation tools. So I asked ChatGPT to generate an Arbitrage Trading Bot which targets the Uniswap Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) Liquidity Pairs for profitable arbitrage opportunities, and it generated an absolutely INSANE trading bot.

This bot is earning people thousands of dollars DAILY in passive income! It's super easy to setup and you don't need any coding experience. The steps are shown in the video, as well as below here!

💬 Contact me on Telegram with any questions:
⌨️ Bot Source Code:


👉 Download MetaMask:

👉 Head over to Remix Compiler. Link:

👉 Right Click the “Contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Rename it whatever you want, or: “bot.sol”

👉 Paste THIS code into Remix:

👉 Go to the "Compile" tab on Remix and Compile with Solidity version 0.6.6

👉 Go to the “Deploy & Run Transactions” tab on Remix, select the “Injected Provider” environment or use walletconnect, then “Deploy”. This will create your own contract by confirming the Contract creation fee.

👉 Deposit funds (at least 0.2 ETH to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address

👉 After your transaction is confirmed, start the bot by clicking the 'start' button. Withdraw anytime by clicking 'withdrawal'

Share your profits in the comments section below. Like and subscribe for more lucrative Solidity tutorials.


🔎 How can I restore the old contract again?

If the link on the remix site was broken while creating your contract, repeat step 5 above to withdraw money or regain access to the contract you created.

Instead of "Deploy" by creating a new contract in the "DEPLOY & RUN OPERATIONS" section, you can access your old contract again by typing the old contract address you created in the "At Address" field and clicking the "At Address" button.
Note: Access cannot be made with any other account other than your MetaMask account where you created the contract.

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