In 2020, Whistleblower Ryan Hartwig Wore a Hidden Camera Inside Meta for 9 Months

9 months ago

Whistleblower Ryan Hartwig Wore A Hidden Camera Inside Meta/Facebook For 9 Months, back in 2020. He testified before a senate committee. Has anything been done since that time?

“What I observed at Facebook includes interference in US election activities along with influence in foreign countries.”

“We rig the game so that it could work on the left side”

“I worked as a content moderator for Facebook. While working for Facebook, I noticed the company had a particular interest in politics and would often bend or break their own rules with, for example, newsworthy exceptions. Subsequently, I reached out to Project Veritas, who provided me with a covert camera.”

“I began filming for the next nine months inside Cognizant's content moderation facilities. What I observed at Facebook includes interference in US election activities along with influence in foreign countries.”

“We rig the game so that it could work on the left side. Yes.“

“Since 2020 when I came out as a whistleblower, I've done hundreds of interviews on the topic of content moderation in dozens of countries worldwide, because the topic of free speech online is a matter of global importance”

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