Trump is Guilty on all 34 counts. Let the games Begin

3 months ago

I dive right into the controversy surrounding Trump's 34-count conviction. Let's be blunt: everyone knew this was inevitable, but it’s all nonsense and bound to be overturned on appeal. The left revels in this moment, treating it as a victory despite its lack of substance.

I’m frustrated with the legal process because it feels more like political maneuvering than justice. The aim here seems to be hindering Trump’s presidential run by leveraging these convictions in future trials. I even predict that someone might try to get him removed from the ballot entirely. However, I’m confident that the appeals won’t matter to the left, who are focused on immediate headlines and quick victories.

Drawing comparisons to Eastern bloc politics, I accused the government of using courts and prosecutions to eliminate opponents, specifically targeting Trump because he’s an outsider to the political elite, even if he’s part of the financial and real estate elite.

I’m convinced this will only solidify Trump’s support. The public will see through this sham and back him even more, possibly flipping states like New York in his favor. I urge everyone, especially those undecided or against the left, to remain calm and not give any pretext for further negative portrayal.

I invite all of you to engage and share your thoughts during a live session on Saturday. Let’s have an open dialogue and encourage differing opinions. This is a crucial time for our voices to be heard, and I’m resolved to keep discussing these issues.

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