All of the Private Entities in China Are Controlled to a Significant Degree by CCP

7 months ago

05/30/2024 US expert on China Lee Steinhauer on Fox Business: All of the private entities in China are controlled to a significant degree by CCP. So the difficulty becomes that you cannot separate the CCP and the Chinese government from these private entities and what they're doing. So I think we need to be very serious and very tough about how we allow China to engage with our country.
05/30/2024 美国对华问题专家李·斯坦豪尔做客《福克斯商业新闻》:中共国的所有私营实体在很大程度上都受中共控制。因此困难之处在于,你无法将中共和中共政府与这些私营实体及其所作所为区分开来。所以我认为,在对待中共国与我们国家的交往方面,我们需要严肃对待和非常强硬。

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