Must I Join a Church to be Saved?

9 months ago

Some wicked people today, some claiming to be Reformed, idiotically claim that God is only with a Christian when the Christian is physically present in the assembly of an institutional church meeting on the Lord’s Day. Simply put, if you don’t join and attend the local Presbyterian or Dutch Reformed church in your town, you are not a Christian. This version of justification by faith and works also teaches that if you do not have a local Presbyterian or Reformed church to join or attend in your area, then you are not a Christian. These heretics claim that you must move to a place where one of their churches exist, join it, pay tithes (give them money), obey its elders, and never leave in order to become justified, that is, saved from your sins. They will go as far as to say that if you are one of the elect, you will find a way to move to their location and join their cult.


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