Attorney Aaron Siri court forced released data from the CDC on Childhood Vaccines

9 months ago

Aaron Siri Handed Paul Offit his head. Paul Offit gets caught in a lie and he knows he is lying. All of these "Vaccine Experts" KNOW the dangers of the Childhood vaccines. The only way to bury the vaccine injuries in the Clinical trials is to NOT use a true placebo. Make sure the injuries in the placebo arm of the trial have high rates of severe Injuries and the FDA will call them "SAFE", except they are not.
Before you read this, I ask you:

"What do you think the chances are of getting severely Injured by the HPV vaccine is"?

1 in a Million?

1 in 100,000?

1 in 10,000?

1 in a 1,000

Pick one before you read further, then scroll down

As you can see from the results of the HPV vaccine Clinical trial, anyone who takes the HPV Vaccine will have a 1 in 43 chance or 2.3% of having a Extremely Serious Adverse Events.

As you can see in the Clinical Trial data, they did not use a true placebo. They injected the "Placebo" group with AAHS, not Saline.

AAHS is the chemical Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate. That is the most dangerous part of the vaccine and is what can cause these immune systems disorders in 1 in 43 people. ALL vaccines can cause your immune system to attack yourself.

Attorney Arron Siri has proved multiple times in court that the HPV vaccines were NEVER tested against a true placebo and that is also the case for virtually ALL the childhood vaccines.

The FDA allows this deadly game to be played. There argument is the placebo has just as many SEVERE ADVERSE EVENTS as the Vaccinated group.
Conclusion, The HPV vaccine is safe! One out of every 43 people is MASSIVE when you consider 100 million people might get talked into getting this vaccine, in JUST the US.

If 100 million people get the HPV Vaccine, you will have 2,300,000 people severely injured. IS THAT SAFE?
The pharmaceutical companies and the FDA do not care if if that many people get severely injured. The FDA acknowledges there is 1 in 43 SEVERE INJURIES. Were not even talking about deaths.

The FDA Allows all vaccines to NOT be tested against a true placebo.
All other drugs MUST be tested against a true placebo, Vaccines are exempt.

They do this so they can say the rate of harm is the same in both groups, so the vaccine is considered "Safe". One in 43 severely injured is "Safe". That is what we have on our hands.

Arron Siri has forced the FDA in court to show that virtually all the childhood vaccines have NEVER been tested against a true placebo.

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