Afghan Immigrant Goes On Stabbing Spree In Germany

9 months ago

I notice we haven't heard any developments on President Joe Biden's plans to welcome Palestinian refugees into the United States (although Canada has issued 5,000 residency visas). Those leaders in Europe who are not Muslim already are beginning to have second thoughts about the unchecked migration of Muslim immigrants. I know that Europeans born in Europe have been warned by their governments that any derisive talk about migrants will be treated as hate speech. According to this post, though, young people in Germany have reworked the lyrics of an EDM (electronic dance music) track into "Foreigners Out" … and are being investigated for it. German Police Investigate as "Foreigners Out", EDM Song Spreads Among Young People — Young people are the most right-wing generation in Germany, and a eurodance rave classic with reworked lyrics calling for foreigners to be deported.

Speaking of Germany, Dr. Eli David says this picture sums up Europe in 2024: This photo best represents 2024 Europe: An Afghan immigrant stabs a German police officer, while he is restraining a citizen that tried to defend himself against the stabber. Across Europe, if you try to defend yourself, you will be arrested for “Islamophobia”. -- German police defended the Jihadist. Let that sink in. The Jihadist then got back up and stabbed the officer who just defended him. Let this be a lesson to Western leaders that you cannot appease or negotiate with terrorists under any circumstances. We're told that's not exactly how it went down: “This is not correct. There was chaos and the citizen hit another citizen not understanding that this guy controlled the Terrorist. The policeman then interfered but the other Police did’t secure him enough and made a step back.”

“The Terrorist was able to free himself and then stabbed the Policeman. The rest of your post is unfortunately true.” -- That's a good example of how well mass migration into Europe has gone for the people living there. Muslim extremists are succeeding to a large extent in establishing their dominance in European countries. They'll tell you flat-out they have no intention of assimilating; they want to spread Islam. The AP reports: “A man stabbed several members of a group that describes itself as opposing “political Islam” on a central square in the German city of Mannheim on Friday, authorities said. Six people were wounded, including a police officer who intervened. Police quickly put an end to the attack by shooting the assailant, who also was wounded. The attack happened shortly after 11:30 a.m. (0930 GMT) on the Marktplatz, a downtown square in the southwestern city of Mannheim.”

“The assailant stabbed participants in an event organized by the Pax Europa group, wounding five members of the organization, police and prosecutors said in a statement. The police officer was stabbed several times from behind in the head, they added. Another officer fired a shot at the assailant, bringing an end to the attack. The wounded were taken to various hospitals, where some of them underwent operations.” -- The suspect was identified as a 25-year-old Afghan migrant. And however you interpret the video, six people, including a police officer, were stabbed. This, at scale. That's what's ahead for Europe if they don't change course drastically and urgently.

We've seen an increase in knife attacks in London to the point where police are raiding antique stores and confiscating silverware. There are knife-disposal bins around the city so you can get that dangerous knife off the street. Police in the U.K. are arresting people for having gardening tools. And don't forget the 2016 truck attack in Nice, France that killed 86 and injured 434 others. But Joe Biden thinks Japan is xenophobic for not wanting immigrants.

AP News: 6 injured in a knife attack in the German city of Mannheim. Police shot and wounded the assailant
Twitchy: Canada to Issue 5,000 Residency Visas for Palestinian Refugees
Rumble: Briahna Joy Gray Says Hamas Doesn't Want To Kill Jews, Just Establish A State Like The U.S.
Rumble: Hamas, Gaza Leaders Call For The Killing Of All Jewish People
Townhall: What is Hamas Hiding in Rafah, and Why Doesn’t Biden Want the IDF to Find It?

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