World Biggest Hyperbaric Chamber used for Spanish Flu Treatment by Dr Cunningham ?

9 months ago

Dr Cunningham Use of world biggest Hyperbaric Chambers ever Invented and his Research into Spanish Viral Flu Pandemic that is very similar to Current Covid-19 Disease Pandemic due to Corona virus ,

Both Pandemics Developed into SARS / ARDS 100 Years Ago. known as Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Similarity of Covid-19 Disease with the 100 Years Ago Viral Pandemic is Uncanny and that Lead to Exploration of Hyperbaric Medicine Treatment via Hyperbaric Chambers in China , then followed by Other Countries like Iran , USA , Europe Etc

Advent of Ventilators as Byrd Ventilators and its use in Medical Treatment as Normobaric oxygen Devices and its History .

KSYBIZ Hyperbarics Consultancy is Founded by Dr Khurrum Hyperbaric Medical Consultant, To Buy a Hyperbaric Chamber please Contact:
Twitter: /ksybiz
Instagram : /ksybiz

Dr Khurrum has also Founded the " Hyperbaric Medical Society of Pakistan" and he is promoting Hyperbaric Medicine in Pakistan , Middle East/Africa and Asia. Click :

Ksybiz Hyperbaric Provides Following Services:
1. Hyperbaric Treatment
2. Installing Hyperbaric Chambers in Home , Clinic and Hospitals
3. Designing Hyperbaric Facilities
4. Training of Doctors and Nurses
5. Providing Knowledge for Designing Hyperbaric Related Equipment
4. Making SOP Standard Operating Procedures for Hyperbaric Facilities
5. Making Medical Documents Related to Hyperbaric Medicine
6. Designing Special Hyperbaric Projects .

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