Article 4854 Video - Reply to Ben Gardner and Anyone Else - Saturday, June 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4854 Video - Reply to Ben Gardner and Anyone Else - Saturday, June 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We don't know anyone named "Ben Gardner" and don't recognize anyone by this name as a "respected" and "well-known" American State National; we suppose it's possible, but everyone here drew a blank. it doesn't really matter; we'll address his questions anyway.

From the beginning of our endeavor to build a Prosperity Banking System based on Credit instead of Debt, we have been assailed by various parties claiming to have great expertise in the subject and this has always been a cause of wonder to us.

How do all these people know so much about something that has never been done before?

And they also know everything about operating in a jurisdiction of the law that has been vacant for longer than anyone now living.

Amazing! Without any apparent study or thought, these experts are popping up like dandelions in spring. We can only wonder where they have been all this time while the rest of us have been grappling through the muck in the dark, being defrauded by our own employees.

These geniuses should have come forward far earlier in this process and (1) prevented the corruption and embezzlement from happening, and (2) provided answers and systems to protect the interests of living people, and (3) should have been shoulder to shoulder with us, investing their time, energy, and money -- for free -- to build an alternative banking system.

Let me suggest to everyone that the known facts are these:

1. The Federal Reserve Note, a private bank scrip and purportedly legal tender, has been subject to repeated rounds of inflation and deflation over the course of 111 years and the end result is that it is now actually "worth" less than one half of one cent on par with the United States Silver Dollar. It represents a loss of value of 98.9% and results in each United States Silver Dollar being pegged against over $80,000.00 of debt posted at the U.S. Treasury Department;
2. We, the Americans, were strong-armed under color of law to accept paper "notes" which are I.O.U.s, in inequitable exchange for both our gold and silver; these I.O.U.s known as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are not even negotiable instruments, because they do not stipulate when they will be paid back nor do they stipulate the form of the repayment;

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