ALL Wars Are Bankers' Wars

4 months ago

ALL Wars Are Bankers' Wars by Michael Rivero.
Who owns education? The Bankers. They own the people, publishing houses, politicians, nations, in order to rob the people of their hard work. Michael does a very good, short job in breaking things down. These elites, are not the Klaus Schwab's or George Soros's of the world, but their puppet masters, as the Rothschild's family. Basically, there are 300 vs over 8 BILLION. These 300 buy off nations in order to keep their racket going.
In the US, during the fraud Biden Admin, we have seen more money printed out of thin air, given as "aid" to many countries that do not need it. One example, Israel gets 3 million PER DAY IN FREE MONEY. The bankers get 30% interest on the US taxpayers. Ukraine has received billions in aid, military equipment, salaries for their government and military, but again hardworking US taxpayers pay for that money laundering operation. Biden even expressed he wants to raise taxes, because the debt (interest rate, paid to the bankers, from the Federal Reserve Bank they own), is getting out of control. Many may wonder, just how wealthy are these bankers. Well, figure the majority of the nation's are controlled by their banking scam, the people pay the debt and huge interest payments, they own the people of the world. We are all, modern day SLAVES to 300 satanic people.
Think "Nationalism" (a Patriot to your nation, love of country), is a bad thing? They want you to believe so, through the media they own. If there was a revolution against a mere 300 vs over 8 billion, who would win?
Many traitors of nations have become wealthy, by keeping them in business. Take the US Congress alone, the US has fought wars for them, to secure their banking scam in countries just like a young USA war was waged by the British, then submitted back to their control.
The Bible is clear who they are, they claim they are jews, but they are not, they are of the synagogue of satan. This is why, it does not matter to them how many die in senseless wars, they have a lust for wealth and power, at the world's expense. Worldwide, we can and must, end this bankers scheme together at once. Every nation develops their own bank, currency, and trade system to benefit their nation, and their people. Take off the chains of modern day slavery now.

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