"Level With Me" 2023 Documentary NASA Space Fraud.

9 months ago

🎬 🚀 NASA Documentary: Level With Me
Depicting How Our Space Agencies are Fraudulent and are Funded By Our Tax Dollars.

Director: Sean Hibbeler

The third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary "Level with Me" is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity you say? Well in this documentary, they prove electrostatics is the force commonly referred to and accepted as "gravity" due to our Rockefeller funded education systems, with a ground breaking electrostatics experiment. This time around, they visit NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, NASA's CSBF in Palestine, Texas, and the Board of Brevard County Commissioners office in Florida. Also, they bring forth what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and what the crisis actors involved are currently doing with their lives. The truth can set you free.—

They're Lying to You:
It’s all about control you know,
to get inside your head.
It’s all about the money too,
they get an awful lot of bread.
Fifty million dollars man,
what could you do with that?
That’s what NASA gets a day to hide the earth is flat.
You see if they can get you to believe that your on a spinning ball,
well things like God and creation just make no sense at all.
It all exploded from nothing right,
with their theory of Big Bang.
It’s true satanic mind control from the freemasonic gang.
You see it’s only Freemasons that get to go to space.
They’re the evil bastards who are lying to your face.
Yeah NASA’s pretty evil man,
the whole things such a fraud.
The only reason they exist Is to hide a loving God.
Conspiracy Music Guru

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